Post Colonialism

  1. COLONIALISM– the policy that gain control of people of territory in order to have economic control.
  2. POST COLONIALISM– the after effects of colonialism on a country.
  3. DIASPORA– an ethnic people outside their original country.
  4. BAME– a term to describe ethnic minorities (black, asian, etc) in the uk.
  5. DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS (GILROY)– internal conflicts caused by ethnic minorities in a oppressive society.
  6. CULTURAL ABSOLUTISM / RACIAL ESSENTIALISM – the idea that biological characteristics do not differ from different cultures.
  7. CULTURAL SYNCRETISM– aspects of different cultures being blended to create a new culture.
  8. ORIENTALISM (SAID)– the western worlds view of the Middle East.
  9. APPROPRIATION– is the acquiring of aspects from another culture and using it in a different culture.
  10. CULTURAL HEGEMONY– a diverse culture being controlled and owned by the upper class.
  11. THE PUBLIC SPHERE (HABERMAS)– a place in society where opinions can be freely expressed to each other.
  12. THE ROLE OF PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING IN TERMS OF FAIR REPRESENTATION OF MINORITY GROUPS / INTERESTS– PSB have a duty to represent minority groups fairly, if they are not it can lead to minorities experiencing discrimination by a more dominant cultural group.

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