CSP10: Ghost Town – Music Video

Background Information

  • It is by “The Specials
  • It came out in 1981
  • It was number 1 for 3 weeks when it came out
  • It was in the UK top 40 list for 10 weeks
  • It was single of the year in 1981 and won the NME Best Single
  • It was one of the last songs The Specials made before they broke up
  • The song was also inspired by the band splitting up and tried to make it relatable to the general public
  • The Specials were formed in 1977 and were known for their mix of reggae and punk sound

Cultural, Social and Historical

  • The songs themes are urban decay and deindustrialisation, and how that lead to unemployment and violence in cities
  • In 1981 unemployment rates in the UK were at the high with almost 3 million unemployed
  • 1981 was the height of youth unemployment as the UK reacted to Margaret Thatcher’s cuts and riots were erupting all over the country
  • Ghost Town is believed to be a prophecy that sounds like an aftermath as the Ghost Town it describes of is gutted by recession and appears to be the terrain before a riot.
  • The song includes lots of unusual sounds to represent the chaos and confusion occurring happening during 1981

Ways music videos create and communicates meaning using media language

  • The name of the song is Ghost Town and in the video they are the only people there. It was also shot at night to give it a horror genre look and how we associate bad things happening in the dark at night.
  • During the 80s racism was still a big problem and the band members wore dark suits whereas others wore bright clothes; possibly to show this.
  • Mid-way through the song the car spins out showing how the unemployment rate in the UK is out of control at the time.

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