My 3rd NEA advert is going to be for a video game store, similar to GAME, GameStop or SeeDee Johns. However, I want to play with this advert and emphasise how the products being advertised are video games. I have used this advert by BestBuy because I think it is very engaging by the use of their bright brand colours.
However, I am going to use parts of this advert for FuncoLand, which will be the prices in the shapes because I think they will stand out.
I wanted to think out the box as most student will be doing adverts for games, consoles and online media, such as streaming sites. I like this advert because it is advertising a store (mine will be a video game store), showing off all their products and the bright colours used will make it stand out, which means it’s most likely to grab the reader’s attention when flicking through the pages
My second NEA advert is going to be for a new video game launching. I am using the below “Call of Duty” advert because when researching, I found this advert was engaging and can link to my front cover, which mentions the launch of a single player shooting game, similar to Call of Duty.
My style model for advert 2
I want to use this as my main style model because I like the action shot and the direct address of the soldier, looking as if he is aiming at the audience. I feel this sets the nostalgic feeling to the video-game, especially as it is a war-type game. I also like the dark colours as it sets a sinister feeling.
I also like the central 3 images of the gameplay as it gives an insight towards the game and I feel it will engage my audience as they can see snapshots of gameplay they will experience playing the game.
My first NEA advert is going to be for a games console, similar to the XBOX and Playstation.
This is my style advert for my first advert
I am going to use this style model because I like the use of the bright green which is the brand’s colours. I also like the direct address of “ALL FREE. ALL YOURS” which sounds like a statement and entices the audience because with the games console, they are getting loads of free extras. I also like the use of the central large image of the console as it is big and eye-catching; I feel that if I flicked through the pages of a magazine, the large central image will attract my attention.
For the games included in the bundle, I am going to make them by using Adobe Fuse so that there is no plagiarism of my work done and I will include bright colours to attract my target audience’s attention as my target audience is young teenager females, so stereotypically they are engaged by bright colours that will grab their attention.
The style models I have researched above all share similar codes and conventions that were/ are frequently used with magazines of the retro genre. For example, using big bold titles which take up quite a large section of the page in order to capture and entice the reader. Images of products, events and people are also used in order to attract the attention of the viewer. But most importantly, each page follows a continuous colour scheme, allowing the page to be presentable, neat and suitable to the product and genre.
For my third and last advertisement, I plan on making a video game advert. Currently I am unsure of which genre of video game I will be making but when I decide, I will base one of these style models around it e.g. if it’s going to be an adventure game, I will base it around something earthy and green like the Pokemon GO advert or the Animal Crossing: New Horizons advert, or, if the game I plan to make is going to be a FPS (First Person Shooter), I will either use bright (colourful characters to bring a sense of hope, magic) or dark elements (death, demons, rain to bring a gothic sense of misery and sadness).
For my second advertisement, I plan on making an advert for an upcoming TV series/film on a popular video streaming application. I’ve decided to make it for a popular video streaming app to let all consumers of the magazine know that they can have easy access to watching the upcoming TV series/film.
For my first advert I have decided to look at games consoles. As my magazine is aimed at a more mature demographic, i’m aiming for a sleek modern advert that shows off my made up games console’s advancedness and skill proving to my consumers that by buying this console, they will immediately become better at gaming. When I first thought of “what does a sleek advertisement look like?” I immediately thought of the brand and conglomerate, Apple, known for their minimalist product design that shows off a certain elegance to it’s consumers making them believe that it is a high end and “rich person” product allowing the consumers to feel like they embody that view.
Apple does create some brilliant products but there are plenty of other tech brands that have 10x more better products, but, due to the popularisation of Apple products, these other brands tend to be overlooked. With this knowledge, I plan on making my games console advertisement not too in your face and more sleek. I plan on making a 3D model of my own games console to emphasise the professional-ness and class of my product, like Apple has done with their previous adverts.
After that, I moved onto looking at real games console adverts.
Each one of these consoles again, have a certain sleekness to them providing comfort to the gamer rather than having to use something bulky and odd-shaped. In each advert (apart from ps4), they show off the games you can play on the console which I find key to the advertisements because if the consumer has a game they really want to play and finds out that the console supports that specific game, the consumer will be more attracted to buying it. An example of this can be Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Nintendo’s cumulative unit sales of the Nintendo Switch console skyrocketed worldwide because so many people wanted to play this game as it was a part of many of their childhoods. Especially during this global pandemic, Animal Crossing: New Horizons allowed those who got it as an escapism from reality.
Therefore, from this information, I will make sure to at least involve 2-3 “popular” video games to my advertisement to entice more consumers to purchase my made up games console.
Something else I had noticed from the advertisements is that they always contain a slogan (a short memorable sentence) that mentions either change and adaptation or how the console is specifically designed for the gamers e.g. “THIS IS FOR THE PLAYERS” – PlayStation 4 advertisement. The effect this is ment to have on consumers is clearly to show a point that THIS is the console you want to get, WE as a COMPANY designed this specifically for YOU, the PLAYER to PLAY. And so, I shall also try to include something similar to my own product.