War of The World

  • Andrew Crissell wrote a book called Understanding Radio
  • ‘Determine the distinctive characteristics of the radio medium’
  • ‘Blind Medium’

Aliens metaphor – resemble something else

  • Hyper inflation
  • wall street crash
  • Mosalini, Stalin
  • Rise of Hitler + Brown Shirts etc.

I’ve always said you cant understand the world without the media nor the media without the world – Natalie Fenton quoted in Fake News vs Media Studies

Standly Cohen Folk, Devil + Moral Panics (blame media, everything that goes wrong blame the media – ‘moral panic’)

J.,McDonald hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation’

Fake News is age old – Example War of the Worlds (propaganda)

War of The Worlds

Early example of a hybrid radio form, adapting the H.G Welles story using news and documentary conventions. (genre – Steve Neale, can be a hybrid)

Historically significance as an early, documented, example of the mass media apparently having a direct effect on an audience’s behavior. 

Orson Well’s narrated, directed and adapted H.G.Well’s novel

Anti War film

Broadcasted by CBS – Columbia Broadcasting Company (October 30th – Halloween Special 1938)

Radio – normal radio, turns into reported alien attach – fiction

Suspending disbelief – people were panicking (is that true?)

Radio exaggerated/made up audiences reaction?

To sell radios – get people talking – Fake News, Adverting


  • Reinforced his hypothesis of the dangerous power of the media
  • Powerful media industries that change the way we think


Links to websites about War of the Worlds:




Andrew Crissell

  • Wrote the book “Understanding Radio”
  • He seeks to “determine the distinctive characteristics of the radio medium”
  • Describes radio as a source of “blind media”

J. McDougall

  • Created a book called Fake News vs Media Studies
  • Explains fake news can be seen as propaganda
  • Says “hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation”

War of the Worlds Radio Podcast

  • Maybe these aliens in War of the Worlds are a metaphor for the enemies because the War of the Worlds podcast was produced in 1930s, which was when the Great Depression, the American Dust bowl and WW2 began.
  • It is a radio podcast of a science fiction novel that was written by H.G Wells
  • War of the Worlds radio drama had left listeners into suspended disbelief and became famous because it tricked people into believing aliens were invading Earth due to the “breaking news” style of the broadcast.
  • “The War of the Worlds” was the 17th episode of the CBS Radio series The Mercury Theatre on Air, which was broadcast at 8 pm ET on Sunday, October 30, 1938.
  • H. G. Wells’ original novel tells the story of a Martian invasion of Earth. The novel was adapted for radio by Howard Koch, who changed the primary setting from 19th-century England to the contemporary United States, with the landing point of the first Martian spacecraft changed to rural Grover’s Mill, an unincorporated village in West Windsor Township, New Jersey.
  • The science fiction drama was broadcasted from CBS, which is the Columbia Broadcasting System
  • The radio science fiction drama was directed by Orson Welles and was adapted by Howard Koch
  • It was described as an anti-war film by Debra Sanders
  • It is a hybridization of the science fiction genre and the mystery genre.
  • Normal radio episodes were broadcasted and then there was a gap before War of the Worlds was played, which makes it seem as if these broadcasts are a metaphor for other things
  • War of the Worlds was a Halloween special
  • In 1938, radios were just being introduced,s o it can be interpreted that War of the World was fake news to try and get more people to listen to CBS and buy radios.
  • On it’s opening evening, it was estimated that around 30 million people were tuning into the broadcast and around 80% of Americans owned a radio then.

Stanley Cohen




  • Write a book called Folk Devils and Moral Panic
  • His theory was introduced in 1972.
  • Folk devil is a person or group of people who are portrayed in folklore or the media as outsiders and deviant, and who are blamed for crimes or other sorts of social problems. This can also be called a scapegoat
  • The pursuit of folk devils frequently intensifies into a mass movement that is called a moral panic.
  • When a moral panic is in full swing, the folk devils are the subject of loosely organized but pervasive campaigns of hostility through gossip and the spreading of urban legends.
  • The mass media sometimes get in on the act or attempt to create new folk devils in an effort to promote controversy. Sometimes the campaign against the folk devil influences a nation’s politics and legislation.

war of the worlds csp 9

andrew cresell wrote book “understanding radio”

says that radio is a blind medium = you cant see it ( you have images and p;pictures in your head)

aliens represent something

fake news is nothing new

“hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation”

Budget: 132 million USD

Narrator: morgan freeman

Box office: 603.9 million USD

  • example of hybrid radio film
  • CBS broadcast
  • was a Halloween special – broadcast in Halloween – was it a foax? was it deliberate
  • suspending disbelief – people were distressed – are aliens real?
  • interesting as its a layer over fake new over fake news
  • they want you to believe it was real
  • Stanley Cohen wrote a book “folk devils and moral panic” – every time something bad happens, blame the media. The media causes bad things

War of the WOrlds CSP 9

Andrew Crisell Understanding Radio

“radio is a blind medium”

J. Mc Dougall

“Hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation”

There are always points historically where populations have been disconnected or economic hardships have been exacerbated.

Fake News/Propaganda

Historical context

Great depression


WW1 and WW2

Industry Context

War of the worlds is an episode of a american radio drama called The Mercury Theatre on the air

It was directed and narrated by actor and filmmaker Orson Welles.

It was released as the Halloween episode on 8 pm Sunday October 30 1938

It was an adaptation if H.G. Wells’s novel The war of the worlds

Distributed by CBS Columbia broadcasting service

Debra Sanders “anti war piece”

Hybrid Genre

Caused panic but wow had few listener

Important people

Stanley Cohen folk devil and moral panics

War of the worlds




  • CBS radio
  • An episode of a american radio drama called The Mercury Theatre on the air
  • It was released as the Halloween episode on 8 pm Sunday October 30 1938


  • 12 million listeners
  • It was first broadcast on October 30th 1938
  • Performed on radio by Orson Wells
  • H. G. Wells was the author
  • Upon its first release, people who tuned in after the beginning of the radio drama believed it was a real news bulletin and began to freak out.
  • Home station – CBS radio
  • Hosted by – The Mercury Theater on the air
  • Fake news
  • Anxiety era
  • 12 million listeners at the time
  • The relationship between newspapers and radio is significant
  • By 1935 there were double the amount of radios in houses than telephones so it was easily spread.
  • ‘Moral Panic’
  • Stanley Cohen

The fact that Wells made such a benefit from the overblown coverage as well as CBS radio created an idea that the radio station amplified the stories of people over reacting to gain viewership and publicity. However, if people did overreact in this way then that would of supported Well’s belifes of the power of media.

Chomsky‘s argument that the media is used by powerful groups – ‘Manufacturing Consent‘ – is the most appropriate theory to structure an understanding of media, technology, control, manipulation and power.

‘Radio is a blind medium’

War of the World

Add Andrew Crisell – ‘radio is a blind medium’

Broadcast near start of WW2 and spread panic to US of invasion – More important events happening in the wrold

WofW reinforced the‘dangerous power of media’ for Welles


  • War of the Worlds is a good case study for students to understand the way codes and conventions of radio drama (sound, dialogue, SFX, microphone technique, silence, words, accents, dialects etc) are put together to create meaning and construct a recognisable and familiar genre (Steve Neale). War of the Worlds also belongs to the genre of sci-fi and invasion – how are the conventions evident?

The Language of Radio is used creatively to structure a text that could be taken as fact, but is clearly fiction

  • But can War of the Worlds be considered as an intertextual product? Or pastiches of other genres.
  • In 1938, radio was still a relatively new mass media technology, the broadcast could experiment with the form in a way not possible later on.
  • At the time of the broadcast the idea of hybrid genres was unfamiliar, with clear boundaries between fact and fiction, making this a significant development in the form.


  • How does the use of media language construct the representation of the real?
  • Is this programme an early example of fake news?
  • What signifiers of different groups and social classes are used?
  • The representation of the alien invaders in sci-fi genre.
  • As a broadcast in October 1938, can War of the Worlds be interpreted as representing particular political concerns to US – and international – society?


  • War of the Worlds was broadcast by Columbia Broadcasting Company – an institution still in existence (in a very different form) today – CBS
  • Radio broadcasting was seen as direct competition to newspapers which had previously been the only way of receiving news.
  • The broadcast is typical of the way institutions are always looking for new styles in order to attract audiences.
  • Regulation – radio broadcasting was regulated by the Federal Communications Commission and it investigated the broadcast to see if it had broken any laws.
  • The broadcast provides an excellent example to consider the effect of individual producers on media industries (known as ‘auteur theory’) as this is the work of Orson Welles.

Link between radio and newspapers are significant – stealing audiences from newspapers


  • What techniques (ie Media Language) does the broadcast use to convince the audience that what they’re hearing is really happening?
  • Consider the way that external factors – global political context, gender, religion, education etc. – are likely to also affect audience response
  • The ways in which audiences interpret the same media product differently – at the time of broadcast and now (Reception theory including Hall )
  • Cultivation theory including Gerbner
  • 12 million listeners – only 2% of 5000 house were listening to CBS


FDR’s approved the broadcast

In 1935, there were twice as many radios in American households as telephones

Created fake news being old as used in WotW – links to changes in tech

October 30th 1938 first broadcast

‘Moral Panic’

War of the Worlds

Section C (teen vogue, i, WotW) – 2Q both 20 marks

Language of radio, audience and technology likely (+representation)

Andrew Crissel quote some bs

Fake News is old

broadcast on eve of WW2 and spread panic to US of invasion

Overview: Ray Ferrier, a dockworker, and his children are all set to spend a weekend together. However, an alien tripod descends on Earth, threatening to wipe out humanity.

By 1935, there were two times more radios in the home then telephones

“Moral Panic” Stanley Cohen – “Folk devils and moral panics” (worries in the public that media causes)

Andrew Crissel – “Radio is a blind media”

cbs produced world of wars

  • War of the Worlds was broadcast by Columbia Broadcasting Company – an institution still in existence (in a very different form) today.
  • Radio broadcasting was seen as direct competition to newspapers which had previously been the only way of receiving news.
  • The broadcast is typical of the way institutions are always looking for new styles in order to attract audiences.
  • Regulation – radio broadcasting was regulated by the Federal Communications Commission and it investigated the broadcast to see if it had broken any laws.
  • The broadcast provides an excellent example to consider the effect of individual producers on media industries as this is the work of Orson Welles.

War of the Worlds can be considered in a historical context as it provides an interesting study of the power and influence of radio as a form during its early days of broadcasting. It is also useful to consider the product in a social, cultural and political context when considering audience responses to the programme. It was first broadcast on the eve of World War II and reflected fears of invasion in the US and concerns about international relations.

csp 9:war of the worlds

Section C (Teen Vogue, The I, War of the Worlds

2 Essays in sec C worth 20 marks each

language, representation, industries and audience

Andrew Crissel – distinctive characteristics of radio as media

Orson Welles delivered the radio broadcast

It was an adaptation of H.G Welles novel

The novel was published in 1898 but the radio broadcast was released in 1938.

Can be classed as “Fake News”

The first broadcast caused panic widely which led to the producer being forced to announce that it was fictional

Easily spread as there were double the amount of radios in homes than telephones

“Moral Panic” Stanley Cohen – “Folk devils and moral panics” (worries in the public that media causes)

Andrew Crissel – “Radio is a blind media”

CBS produced War of the Worlds

An explanation for the tenacious grip of the War of the Worlds “panic” myth is that the public then and now have a deep-rooted anxiety about the power of the media.

the Language of Radio is used creatively to structure a text that could be taken as fact, but is clearly fiction

war of the worlds

Section C- part of one of the three, teen vogue, the “i” then finally the war of the worlds

language, Representation, industries and audience

Radio language: consist of words, sound effects, music and silence. These are shared to some extent with television and film, but radio uses them in rather different ways. on collections of these word signs as symbolic codes to communicate meaning. Words on radio are spoken.

Radio is a Blind media: is a sightless or a view less medium. In radio, either the performer or listener cannot see each other. Therefore it is called blind medium. Since it is a blind or sightless medium, the performer as well as listener has to creatively imagine each other. “Andrew Crisell”

“Andrew Crisell”: He lectures in communication and media studies at the University of Sunderland. He has written widely on radio and co-founded Wear FM, winner of the 1992 Sony ‘Radio Station of the Year’ award.

War of the Worlds can be considered in a historical context as it provides an interesting study of the power and influence of radio as a form during its early days of broadcasting. It was first broadcast on the eve of World War II and reflected fears of invasion in the US and concerns about international relations.

Overview: Ray Ferrier, a dockworker, and his children are all set to spend a weekend together. However, an alien tripod descends on Earth, threatening to wipe out humanity.

Budget: 132 million USD

During the time it was based it was during The Great Depression

During the Anxiety Era

Fake News is not new

The relationship between radio and newspapers is significant

1938 October 31

by 1935 there was the double amount of radio at home compared to telephones

Moral Panic”: A moral panic is a feeling of fear spread among many people that some evil threatens the well-being of society. It is “the process of arousing social concern over an issue – usually the work of moral entrepreneurs and the mass media”. 

Some other thoughts regarding this text center around contemporary ideas of Fake News. In other words, do we / can we trust the media? Where do you get knowledge and information? It also a text that shows the power of the media, to influence vulnerable audiences. Although I wonder if the stories around audiences reacting passively as if it were a true story were exaggerated almost as a marketing exercise, that in itself is a form of made up information? Indeed, isn’t all information made up? How do we know what is truth? What is clear is that the distinction between fact and fiction is often blurred and relies upon audience members recognising and understanding specific codes and conventions that relate to each Media Language. In this instance, the Language of Radio is used creatively to structure a text that could be taken as fact, but is clearly fiction. Recognising the particular social and historical moment that this media text was produced is significant, so was this a comment on the ability of the mass media to create propaganda and manipulate a compliant and vulnerable mass audience? Is that still relevant today? Think about twitter, Trump, Brexit etc. If so, then Chomsky‘s argument that the media is used by powerful groups – ‘Manufacturing Consent‘ – is the most appropriate theory to structure an understanding of media, technology, control, manipulation and power.

CSP 9: war of the worlds


This is a Targeted Close Study product for which you will need to focus on the following areas of the Theoretical Framework:
> Media Industries
> Media Audiences

You will need to listen to excerpts from the broadcast but the main focus will be the technological development of radio as an institution.

War of the Worlds is an early example of a hybrid radio form, adapting the H.G Welles story using news and documentary conventions. The broadcast and the initial response to it has historical significance as an early, documented, example of the mass media apparently having a direct effect on an audience’s behavior. The academic research carried out into the broadcast (and the ongoing dispute about the extent of the effect) provided some of the early media audience research and the findings have been extremely influential in the media, advertising and political campaigning.
A useful overview and discussion of the context can be found here (not part of the CSP for assessment): https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/war-worlds

Media Institutions

War of the Worlds provides an historical context for broadcasting, being produced at a period when radio was the only form of domestic media; the 1930s and 1940s became known as the ‘golden age’ of radio.

  • War of the Worlds was broadcast by Columbia Broadcasting Company – an institution still in existence (in a very different form) today.
  • Radio broadcasting was seen as direct competition to newspapers which had previously been the only way of receiving news.
  • The broadcast is typical of the way institutions are always looking for new styles in order to attract audiences.
  • Regulation – radio broadcasting was regulated by the Federal Communications Commission and it investigated the broadcast to see if it had broken any laws.
  • The broadcast provides an excellent example to consider the effect of individual producers on media industries (known as ‘auteur theory’) as this is the work of Orson Welles.

Media Audiences

War of the Worlds has become a real-world test case for a variety of audience theories, although the exact nature of the audience response is still disputed.

  • What techniques (ie Media Language) does the broadcast use to convince the audience that what they’re hearing is really happening?
  • Consider the way that external factors – global political context, gender, religion, education etc. – are likely to also affect audience response
  • The ways in which audiences interpret the same media product differently – at the time of broadcast and now (Reception theory including Hall)
  • Cultivation theory including Gerbner

Historical, political, social and cultural contexts

For many, the wider social, political, historical and cultural contexts are not just clearly connected to media studies but they are in some ways more important.

I’ve always said you can’t understand the world without the media nor the media without the world” (Professor Natalie Fenton, quoted in Fake news vs Media Studies J. McDougall p.17 2019, Palgrave)

I do spend long periods of time with my gaze turned away from the media, because I’m seeking to understand what’s going on out there, and then the role of the media in that context. I’m always putting the social, the political and the economic (contexts) first.” (ibid)

War of the Worlds can be considered in a historical context as it provides an interesting study of the power and influence of radio as a form during its early days of broadcasting. It is also useful to consider the product in a social, cultural and political context when considering audience responses to the programme. It was first broadcast on the eve of World War II and reflected fears of invasion in the US and concerns about international relations.

Some other thoughts regarding this text center around contemporary ideas of Fake News. In other words, do we / can we trust the media? Where do you get knowledge and information? It also a text that shows the power of the media, to influence vulnerable audiences. Although I wonder if the stories around audiences reacting passively as if it were a true story were exaggerated almost as a marketing exercise, that in itself is a form of made up information? Indeed, isn’t all information made up? How do we know what is truth? What is clear is that the distinction between fact and fiction is often blurred and relies upon audience members recognising and understanding specific codes and conventions that relate to each Media Language. In this instance, the Language of Radio is used creatively to structure a text that could be taken as fact, but is clearly fiction. Recognising the particular social and historical moment that this media text was produced is significant, so was this a comment on the ability of the mass media to create propaganda and manipulate a compliant and vulnerable mass audience? Is that still relevant today? Think about twitter, Trump, Brexit etc. If so, then Chomsky‘s argument that the media is used by powerful groups – ‘Manufacturing Consent‘ – is the most appropriate theory to structure an understanding of media, technology, control, manipulation and power.

Other areas to think about (but unlikely to form part of your assessment)

Media Language

  • War of the Worlds is a good case study for students to understand the way codes and conventions of radio drama (sound, dialogue, SFX, microphone technique, silence, words, accents, dialects etc) are put together to create meaning and construct a recognisable and familiar genre (Steve Neale). War of the Worlds also belongs to the genre of sci-fi and invasion – how are the conventions evident?
  • But can War of the Worlds be considered as an intertextual product? Or pastiches of other genres.
  • Consider how developing technologies affect media language: in 1938 radio was still a relatively new mass media technology, the broadcast could experiment with the form in a way not possible later on.
  • At the time of the broadcast the idea of hybrid genres was unfamiliar, with clear boundaries between fact and fiction, making this a significant development in the form.

Media Representations

While there are representations of social and cultural groups in War of the Worlds, this broadcast is particularly significant for studying how a media product constructs a representation of reality, drawing on issues in society to convince the audience of its reality.

  • How does the use of media language construct the representation of the real?
  • Is this programme an early example of fake news?
  • What signifiers of different groups and social classes are used?
  • The representation of the alien invaders in sci-fi genre.
  • As a broadcast in October 1938, can War of the Worlds be interpreted as representing particular political concerns to US – and international – society?