Final revision

Crash course Genre theory

Steve Neale- “Genres are instances of repetition and difference”. Fine difference between texts to maintain the economy of the genre. Audience will loose interest if films become to similar

Conforming- comply with rules, standards, or laws.

Subverting- undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution) (make something new)

Thomas Schatz: Only 2 Genres?

GENRES OF INTEGRATION: Commonly have heroes with a feud against and external antagonist. Hero is commonly a misfit who doesn’t fit into society or is an outsider proving loyalty or worth. (Sci Fi, Western and Gangster) resolution is death of anti hero

GENRES OF ORDER: Focus on family or community in a civil space which is internalised focusing on self. resolution is love or happiness returning to past life or a better life

Crash Course on narrative theory:


Beginning, middle and end (Act 1, 2, 3)

Equilibrium (world in current base of balance)

Disruption (de balances equilibrium and disrupts harmony)

Recognition (Protagonists identify the disruption)

Repair (protagonists attempt to restore equilibrium)

New equilibrium (restored equilibrium/ new norm)

Propp Character types

Hero: Task or quest ahead of them which may be difficult or impossible to overcome

Villian: Causes disruptions and prevents the restoration of peace

Donor: enables hero to go on quest and improve

Helpers: Helps hero on quest

princess: heros prize

false hero: poses as good but turns out evil

dispatcher: sends hero on quest and sets goals

Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary Oppositions)

West/ east

good/ bad

light/ dark

Roland Barthes: Proairetic and Hermenuetic Codes

Proairetic code: action, movement, causation

Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development


Please note that we will have a moratoriam on PHONES AND HEADPHONES in class. After the recent mock exam performance it is clear that a number of students are not finding the process of listening, concentrating and working effectively as an independent learner easy.

So please note there will be a box that you can put in your phone or headphones if you take them out in class.

I hope that is clear and I hope it helps us all get better results!