mass media machine

  • Structures of ownership – Multiple media outlets all being run by one media conglomerate.
  • The role of advertising – Media companies aren’t only selling us information but they are also selling us to advertisers.
  • Links with ‘The Establishment’ – Media that has links with governments and politicians. (Sinclair and trump)
  • Diversionary tactics (‘flack’) – Covering stories and reports that disagree with or oppose the medias beliefs.
  • Uniting against a ‘common enemy’ – using a common enemy to frighten audiences and create myths to enforce their beliefs.

Manufacturing Consent

  • Structures of ownership
  • The role of advertising
  • Links with ‘The Establishment’
  • Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’
  • Uniting against a ‘common enemy’

common enemy: The unanimous target that everyone is made to stand against for example it could be terrorists or a plague

Flack: when critical, unwanted Infomation get disrupted and manipulated so it could become discredited or not even published in the first place

manufacturing consent

The media is owned by large corporations which can be owned by even larger conglomerates, these corporations aim is to make profit, they achieve this through advertisements where advertisers pay for an audience.

There are 5 ways corporations influence their audiences:

  • Structures of ownership
  • The role of advertising
  • Links with the establishment
  • Diversionary tactics
  • Uniting against a common enemy