Audience Theory

Katz, Gurevitch and Haas: Audiences experience media to fulfill needs and gratifications. They can be personal needs, like understanding self, escapism or enjoyment. They can also be social needs, like connecting with friends and family, knowledge of the world,Self confidence, stability.



Hans, Gurevitch and Katz (1973)

The theory is that there are two different needs of the public: Personal needs and Social Needs.

Personal needs are for a specific individual. These can be for one to understand themselves, Enjoyment and Escapism.

Social needs are for needs of everyone in the public who have similar views which makes them a discourse community. This can be knowledge about the world, self ability, awareness and self esteem, to strengthen bonds with family and friends.


Demographic: A socio-economic classification developed by the NRS (National Readership Survey)

Psychographic: A Psychographic Model of consumer behaviour used in the media industry to define audience segments.

Links into Maslows theory!

Uses and gratifications/ audience theory

Demographic: A socio-economic classification developed by the NRS (National Readership Survey)

Psychographic: A Psychographic Model of consumer behaviour used in the media industry to define audience segments.

Uses and Gratifications Theory Categories 

  • information + education
  • escapism
  • entertainment
  • personal identity
  • social interaction

Maslow’s Theory:

Different people can relate to different stages of hierarchy on Maslow’s pyramid, and by categorizing why different people watch certain things this helps to provide reason and an aim for people to satisfy their viewers and maybe appeal to other viewers as well. Factors such as gender, age, ethnicity etc. effect where u lie on the pyramid.

Blumler & Katz audience theory

Blumler and Katz theorised that people have 5 main reasons to use media:

  • escapism
  • social interaction
  • personal identity
  • inform and educate
  • enjoyment


Image result for maslows hierarchy of needs


Demographics: Quantitative data, age,race,ethnicity,sex

socio-economic status = A,B,C1,C2,D,E

other descriptives of demographics= Elite, Established middle class, Technical middle class, New affluent workers,Traditional working class, Emergent Service workers and the Precariat, or the precious Proletariat

Psychographics: Aspirer, Explorer, Resigned, Mainstreamer, Reformer, Succeeder, Struggler

uses and gratifications

Haas, gurevitch and katz (1973)

personal needs : enjoyment, escapism, understanding self

social needs : knowledge, self confidence/esteem, strengthen connections with friends and family

stemmed from maslow’s hierarchy of needs

  1. self actualisation
  2. esteem
  3. love and belonging
  4. safety
  5. psychological


how people think about things and receive media


Gauntlett & Giddens

David Gauntlett : Representation Theory = it remains the case that most women and men remain somewhat constricted within particular gender roles.”

Gauntlett focuses on the ways in which people are constructed by new technology around them.
“Making is Connecting is all about how people build a stronger sense of self-identity through creative practices – in other words, through creating their own representations.”

“identities are not ‘given’ but are constructed and negotiated”