- Anchorage- Fixes meaning between pictures and text
- Arbitrary or symbolic sign- A sign where the meaning of it is culturally acquired
- Code- A system used to create meaning
- Connotation- The meaning created by a sign
- Decoding- When audiences interpret a text
- Denotation- The literal meaning of a sign or code
- Encoding- The intended meaning in a text
- Iconic sign- Looks like what it represents
- Indexical sign- Where there is a relationship between the signifier and signified
- Polysemic- A sign that has more than one meaning
- Sign- The sum of the signifier plus signified
Ferdinand de Saussure:
- Signifier- Works with signified to combine into a sign Signified- The meaning that is intended from a sign
C S Pierce:
- Icon-
- Index-
- Symbol-
Roland Barthes:
- Signifcation,
- Denotation,
- Connotation
- Myth- The way in which certain signs contribute to ideologies in our society
You will also need to understand these two key terms:
- Ideology,
- radical
- reactionary
- Paradigm- A class of objects or concepts
- Syntagm- An element which follows another in a particular sequence