Manufacturing consent

  1. Structures of ownership: The dominant media companies are large corporations and conglomerates.
  2. The role of advertising: The majority of profit media companies make is from advertising, so advertisers are given much of the influence in media.
  3. Links with the establishment:
  4. Diversionary tactics and flak:
  5. A “Common enemy”:
  1. Agenda Setting:
  2. Framing: The sun is pro-brexit, and so represents the brexit vote as triumphant and a good thing. The Mirror, on the other hand, paints brexit more in a negative light. Newspapers will frame an issue as good or bad depending on their stance on the issue to not only pander to those who agree, but to also push their agendas.
  3. Myth Making: Newspapers will exaggerate a story to push their political agenda. This is used like the “common enemy” to divert the people’s attention away from the problems inside the country and the media hierarchies.
  4. Conditions of Consumption:

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