Teen vogue is a sister publication to vogue. It was a magazine publication which was first started in 2003 but ended in 2017, however it continues to publish digital articles on there website. Like vogue it publishes many stories about celebrities and fashion but targeted at teen girls.
The owner of teen vogue is Condé Nast (american mass media company) which parents organisation is advance. Teen Vogues yearly revenue is 8m.
Tomb raider
The voice website
Sims freeplay
Zuboff- privacy, liberty, freedom
‘micro behavioral targeting’
‘targeted revenue- generated opportunities’
‘deeper portraits of individual customers’
‘ high levels of customer satisfication’
‘changes peoples behavior through carefully crafted messaging that resonates with them’
Teen Vogue is a former US print magazine and current online publication launched in 2003
first issue; January 2003
final issue; December 2017
In November 2017, it was announced Teen Vogue would cease its print edition and continue as an online-only publication as part of a new round of cost cuts
Teen Vogue has grown substantially in traffic through its website; in January 2017, the magazine’s website had 7.9 million US visitors compared to 2.9 million the previous January
Teen Vogue‘s initial content focused on fashion, aimed at a teen audience
First issue date: January 2003 Final issue: December 2017.
It’s owned by Conde Nast.
US print and publication launched in 2003 as a sister to Vogue, targeted at teenage girls.
In 2015 there was a steep decline in sale.
The parent company is Advance publications only produces magazines and also owns Glamour, Gentleman’s Quarterly, Architectural Digest, Wired, House & Garden.
How are the codes and conventions of a website used in the product? How are these conventions used to influence meaning? The website could be analysed in terms of:
The language of composition and layout: images, positioning, layout, typography, language and mode of address.
The genre conventions of websites will be studied and the genre approach should also include reference to the content of lifestyle websites.
The application of a semiotic approach will aid the analysis of the way in which the website creates an ideology about the world it is constructing – often to do with age, beauty and social and political issues.
Narrative in the context of online material can refer to the way that the images and the selection of stories construct a narrative about the world.
Media Representations
The choice of this online product provides a wide range of representational issues. These include the representation of the target audience of young women in the United States but also globally. The focus on representation will build on work done in the analysis of visual images and can also be used to explore target audiences and ideological readings:
Representation of particular groups (age, gender, race), construction of a young female identity.
‘Rise, Resist. Raise your Voice’ is the slogan for the website.
Who is constructing the representation and to what purpose? the political opinions based on both the site and its sister publications leads me to believe that the general political opinion of Teen Vogue is more left leaning. Leftist politics focus more on people and society rather than financial loss/gain (capital)
The focus on politics, social issues and technology (in addition to fashion and celebrity) suggests a new representation of young women.
Analysis of the construction and function of stereotypes
Representation and news values – how do the stories selected construct a particular representation of the world and particular groups and places in it?
This article features a famous celebrity – Kim Kardashian. This person is well known to young girls, and has a large following on instagram, earning about $750,000 per post. Kim kardashian could be classed as a social media influencer, and is idolised by young girls.
In this article, Kim kardashian talks about mass incarceration, which is featured in her upcoming Oxygen documentary Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project. In the article, it is mentioned that mass incarceration disproportionately effects people of colour as well as women. This is important to mention as the targeted audience of this magazine are young girls, and therefore this issue is specifically affecting them. This means that, with Hall’s theory of preferred reading, the response is likely to be dominant due to the targeted audience being mainly young girls. However, there still may be those who do not agree with the article (other…?) as well as those with a negotiated response (e.g. may think that people of colour are more likely to be incarcerated than women or may not agree with Kim Kardashian). In the article, Kim K states that “people deserve a second chance”, which is quite a general statement for this issue.
However, something contradictory about Kim Kardashian is that while she is spreading awareness of this issue by making a documentary about it, it’s still a documentary, which is still going to get her money and prestige. Furthermore, Kim K’s worth is $350 million, and she earns roughly $750,000 per post, meaning that she has the money to go out and physically make a difference but refuses to do so
features protagonist Lara Croft – who shows both a mix of radical and reactionary beliefs (in a position of power – main character, strong female lead yet is sexualised to appeal to the male gaze)
Marshall Mcluhan: Medium is the message
cinema transforms groups and societies
we are more ‘isolated’ due to media
you don’t fully understand the medium = you don’t fully understand the message
in the context of teenvogue = distributed through social media, e.g. twitter. if the target audience enjoys reading teen vogue, they are more likely to check twitter often, shaping their social media habits.
Key Words associated with New Media
share – the story is shared through the teen vogue website or twitter so it’s easy to share through a link or retweet
binge – articles are compiled so its easy to binge read
circulate – content can be easily circulated through retweets, especially from larger social media accounts
political, social, cultural and economic contexts :
the use of George Robinson being disabled and playing a disabled role on a hit series on Netflix. The addition of George to the cast has allowed positive recognition towards the show due to how Georges character relates to many of the shows viewers. As stated on the case study it is a change for acting as George being disabled himself, it is usually unusual for a character who is disabled within a show to actually be disabled. However by George pushing these boundary’s and being one of those disabled actors to achieve this he has received a lot of positive messages from people who also have a disability such as himself and they are grateful as they offer them hope in not limiting themselves due to their disability
Media Language:
Challenging dominant ideology as most actors are usually not disabled.
Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – This article is reactionary to this statement focusing on superficial issues like makeup items that the popular teen tv star lili Reinhart would take on a desert island.
The codes and conventions of a website – the article includes a large image of lili Reinhart at the top of the article used to intise readers.The article also features quotes from Lili and product listings which I would expect to see in a teen magazine article.
How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – The story creates the idea that teenage girls interest makeup or superficial issue such as picking the right blush like in the article.
Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – this article focuses on Harry Styles a popular Artists sexuality and how he believes it doesn’t matter and doesn’t want to define or label himself. This is radical to a traditional female teen magazine as if focuses on real issues of sexuality and labels in society.m
The codes and conventions of a website – the article is still focus around a popular musical amongst teens of Harry styles which is reactionary to a teen magazine and uses image of him in the article.
How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – The story talks about the issues of labelling in society and also sheds light on people being more interested in The sexuality of Harry Styles rather tan his music.
Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – This article talks about Eminem’s lyric regarding the Ariana grande booming attack . this article focus on a more deep issue of using serious issue in song lyrics that killed so many people making it radical to the conventional superficial teen articles.
The codes and conventions of a website
How does the story construct a particular representation of the world
I disagree that this article is of a superficial issue. It is relevant and important to modern day society. I believe this because, although the series is not based on a true story, Isaac played by George Robinson is actually disabled in real life as well as in the series. He says “Everyone pretty much knows someone who has a disability and yet the representation in media doesn’t seem to be there in the same way, even though it’s certainly changing.” Therefore by George playing the role of Isaac it gives him the opportunity to act and project real life feelings and situations of being in a wheelchair, rather than having an actor who isn’t disabled and is just acting, from which this article portrays this and George’s views.
Released on Friday 17th January 2020, Eminems new album – ‘Music to be murdered by’ received a lot of backlash after Eminem referenced the 2017 Manchester Bombing. Although many have used social media in order to voice their anger, many of Eminems fans have defended him by reminding people that this album is targeted at gun violence and mental health – in order to raise awareness. Eminem also raised money in order to help with the damage caused by the 2017 bombing.
Lyrics – “But I’m contemplating yelling ‘bombs away’ on the game / Like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting.”
“Real talk, Eminem is such a piece of trash for making a punchline out of the 22 people who died in the Manchester attack,” one person wrote on Twitter.
A young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – I would say that this CSP isn’t a ‘superficial issue’ as it is concentrated on a very important matter which resulted in 22 people losing their lives, with the Manchester Mayor stating – “This is unnecessarily hurtful and deeply disrespectful to the families and all those affected.”. Furthermore, terrorist bombings have effected mass amounts of people and is a subject that would cause a lot of emotional pain when referenced the way it was in Eminems song.
How are the codes and conventions of a website used in the product? How are these conventions used to influence meaning? – On the website there are links to multiple twitter posts showing their distress and anger towards the rappers new song. At the top of the article, there is an image of eminem next to an image of Ariana – which may be used in order to attract the viewer – showing that the artists may have had a disagreement/ argument and are therefore now ‘against’ each other. The use of only negative tweets is used in order to support the writers ideology of the situation, neglecting quotes/ tweets which counter her opinion.
How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – This article portrays the world, or the teenage target audience, represents them as having a caring/ sympathetic attitude towards the victims of the Manchester bombing and how Eminem’s lyrics may have affected them. However, this representation may only be reacted as the person who wrote the article only portrays Eminem negatively, therefore their audience using and copying that opinion. The reality is that Eminem donated mass amounts of money towards the Manchester bombing and is using this article to raise awareness for gun violence and mental health ‘issues’. In addition, throughout the song Eminem also references Bin Laden and 9/11, however few people retaliate to these lyrics.