old media vs new media

New: Active Involvement Old: Passive Involvement

With new media you can now have an active experience with what you consume, for example you can now comment on new media and show how you feel about it. However with old media all you could do was consume it without leaving any feedback on it.

New: One-on-one marketing Old: Mass marketing

New media has evolved to target specific audiences with there product through advertisements.


Open System – Allows for people to communicate through the power of social media without having to be with them in real life

Closed System – Allows people to speak in a group, but does not allow you to communicate to everyone

questions – mass media

Network effect – a phenomenon where a product or service’s value increases as the number of users increases. the more people that use these services, the more valuable they become.

Feedback loop theory – mass media actions and audience response loop, predicted human behaviour.

Dunbar’s number – a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships.

Do big businesses or individuals benefit from a digitally networked society?

 I think that big businesses benefit more than individuals. This is because they can predict human behaviour and then tailor ads to he individual.

How do businesses benefit?  

They make profit.

New media words:

Immerse – New media is more immersive as there is no limit on how long you spent on the internet. For example,  you can finish reading a book and be immersed for that while.

Contrasting old and new media.

About me vs About you.

New media is about me in the sense that all a persons details about themselves is online. Old media is about you as an activity like reading is a passive involvement including just yourself and the book, no information about yourself as a person is revealed.

re-cap questions

Network effect (Theodore Vail) – The network effect is a phenomenon whereby increased numbers of people or participants improve the value of a good or service.

Feedback loop theory (Norbert Wiener) – Feedback loops are therefore the process whereby a change to the system results in an alarm which will trigger a certain result. It’s a procedure that helps businesses respond and address customer issues on the social web. (Predicting what will happen)

Dunbar number (Robin Dunbar) – a theoretical limit to the number of people with whom any individual is able to sustain a stable or meaningful social relationship (usually considered to be roughly 150).

I believe that big business benefit more from a digitally looped society. I think this because of feedback loop theory as we may gain some things from the free network such as fun and escapism but they gain all our personal data and can sned us ads and notifications.

Share – people can share what they see online therefore more people see it.

Circulate – News or media online can circulate and be distributed around easily because of networks.

Re-connect – You can go on and off and keep reconnecting with online platforms.

Live – Available in that moment or later always and constantly available.

Adapt – You can change and adapt new media constantly but can’t do that with old media.

Active and Passive involvement – New media is active because you can always access it and you can do more than just read or look at it once with old media as new media is always changing and has new updates and stories.

Linking key words to new media and old media

Conversation – People can communicate with each other whether it be online or in person. Communication nowadays is primarily online as we have all of this new technology and all of these developments. Teen Vogue uses their articles in order to intrigue an audience and persuade people to spread the word and pass it onto others which involves communication between individuals.

Personalise – In Teen Vogue articles can be personalised to what you seem to be into and looking at the most creating your own personal ‘library’ for articles. An article may be suggested to you that is similar to another article that you clicked on and read not so long beforehand.

Two-way conversation compared to One-way conversation – Now that there is advanced technology this means that people can communicate between each other a lot more easily than previous years such as messaging or sending images of memes or screenshots etc. This allows people to have two-way conversations and communicate with each other better.

new media key words

Endless– new media is endless as it continuous online and isnt a physical product which ends.

Personalize & creative– with new media you are able to change it to how you see fit by re-posting. how ever in old media it cannot be changed.

Conversation– you can create conversations with other people about the topic where as with old media you cannot.

Real time creation & Pre-produced/ scheduled – in old media the news is already old by the time you consume it where as in new media it is always current.

Active involvement

participatory culture

Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big Businesses or individuals?

Big businesses benefit from a digitally networked society as they can target their product at a specific audience which they know will be interested in the product.