New vs Old media

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New Media


Store, personalize and stream all connect because they all link to how companies can attract customers. They can store small pieces of peoples data, then personalize adverts for person based on their interests from the data and then this advert is streamed to the target audience through their media platforms.

Store – Teen Vogue store data in order to know what people are interested in

Personalize – they can then use this data to personalize adverts to specific people

Stream – they then stream these adverts to the potential customers

Table to contrast ‘New’ vs ‘Old’ Media: Do you agree?


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Passive involvement
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One-on-one marketingMass marketing
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Brand and User-generated ContentProfessional content
Authentic contentPolished content
FREE platformPaid platform
Metric: EngagementMetric: Reach/ frequency
Actors: Users / InfluencersActors/ Celebrities
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Unstructured communicationControlled communication
Real time creationPre-produced/ scheduled
Bottom-up strategyTop-down strategy
Informal languageFormal language

new vs old media

Table to contrast ‘New’ vs ‘Old’ Media: Do you agree?


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Brand and User-generated ContentProfessional content
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Metric: EngagementMetric: Reach/ frequency
Actors: Users / InfluencersActors/ Celebrities
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Unstructured communicationControlled communication
Real time creationPre-produced/ scheduled
Bottom-up strategyTop-down strategy
Informal languageFormal language

Keywords ASSOCIATED with new media

Share – accessing Teen Vogue online allows the readership to post comments and connect with different members of society

Active – reading Teen Vogue online instead of the magazine is active due to the fact it is always accessible

Endless – again, reading Teen Vogue online instead of the magazine is endless are there is no last page, there are other pages and hyperlinks with further things to read into

words associated with new media – teen vogue


live – new stories and articles are posted regularly that people can see as they’re posted

stream – there is links to videos and music that you can stream onto your device

endless – the website is constantly being updated, there is no set finish to the digital magazine

the difference between old and new media

Active involvement
Passive involvement
Two-way conversationOne-way conversation
Open systemClosed system
One-on-one marketingMass marketing
About MeAbout You
Brand and User-generated ContentProfessional content
Authentic contentPolished content
FREE platformPaid platform
Metric: EngagementMetric: Reach/ frequency
Actors: Users / InfluencersActors/ Celebrities
Community decision-makingEconomic decision-making
Unstructured communicationControlled communication
Real time creationPre-produced/ scheduled
Bottom-up strategyTop-down strategy
Informal languageFormal language

Keywords Associated WITH Media:

Live: Articles and stories can be consistently updated online.

Endless: Constant articles to read online as you have old and new editions.

Active: Electronic devices used for media may be active; whilst paper magazines are not.


new media, How does each word relate to teen vogue?


Re-connect: This word can relate to teen Vogue because it re-connects teens with the everyday media and what they find interesting.

Binge: This word can relate to teen Vogue because people like to binge different news articles from the website as they can be interesting.

Story: This word can relate to teen vogue because they publish stories and articles of everyday life of people.

Table to contrast ‘New’ vs ‘Old’ Media: Do you agree?


Active involvement
Passive involvement
Two-way conversationOne-way conversation
Open systemClosed system
One-on-one marketingMass marketing
About MeAbout You
Brand and User-generated ContentProfessional content
Authentic contentPolished content
FREE platformPaid platform
Metric: EngagementMetric: Reach/ frequency
Actors: Users / InfluencersActors/ Celebrities
Community decision-makingEconomic decision-making
Unstructured communicationControlled communication
Real time creationPre-produced/ scheduled
Bottom-up strategyTop-down strategy
Informal languageFormal language

Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big businesses or individuals? Refer to loop theory and the dunbar number. How do big businesses benefit? What commodities do they trade in?

The relationship between businesses and individuals is now mostly through digital networks. A digital networked society is changing how individuals live, work, travel and socialise – therefore benefit them, however it is likely to benefit big organisations more. The data of an average American is worth between $0.20 and $0.40. Organisations can sell this data to generate more money for the business, Facebook for example has around 190 million users in the U.S., so it is estimated that Facebook can make between $38 million and $76 million from selling its users data. The loop theory can be applied to the digital network; people now pick up their phones without even thinking about it, therefore if you open a site eg facebook, they will be able to know what times you’re on your phone and where you are etc. After a while, these organisations will be able to record and then predicted an individuals behaviour.


Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big business or individuals? Refer to ‘loop theory’ and the ‘Dunbar number’?

I believe that big businesses are more likely to benefit from a digitally networked society. This is because people use their sites, they are able to connect with millions of people who can give feedback which then the businesses are able to continue to develop their products. This gives the people what they want which means that even more people will begin to use their products and it will keep looping. This means the businesses can draw in even more people and it keeps looping.

How does big business benefit? What commodity do they trade in? Answer: predictive human behaviour. Write out an answer in your own words.


Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big business or individuals? Refer to ‘loop theory’ and the ‘Dunbar number’

In general, big businesses benefit from a digitally networked society more than individuals. Having society digital means that big companies have easy access to peoples personal data and are therefore able to track their behaviors in order to advertise their products to the consumer at a specific time or place. This relates to Norbert Weiner’s loop theory as this says that through tracking media, companies can target their desired customers.

How does big business benefit? What commodity do they trade in? Answer: predictive human behaviour. Write out an answer in your own words.

Big businesses benefit through predictive human behavior as they are able to predict what specific people eill