Csp 7 Teen Vogue stories

“Sex Education” Newcomer George Robinson on Isaac’s Relationship With Maeve and Disability Representation


I disagree that this article is of a superficial issue. It is relevant and important to modern day society. I believe this because, although the series is not based on a true story, Isaac played by George Robinson is actually disabled in real life as well as in the series. He says “Everyone pretty much knows someone who has a disability and yet the representation in media doesn’t seem to be there in the same way, even though it’s certainly changing.” Therefore by George playing the role of Isaac it gives him the opportunity to act and project real life feelings and situations of being in a wheelchair, rather than having an actor who isn’t disabled and is just acting, from which this article portrays this and George’s views.

CSP 7 – Vogue

Ariana Grande’s fans criticise Eminem over Manchester Bombing lyrics


Released on Friday 17th January 2020, Eminems new album – ‘Music to be murdered by’ received a lot of backlash after Eminem referenced the 2017 Manchester Bombing. Although many have used social media in order to voice their anger, many of Eminems fans have defended him by reminding people that this album is targeted at gun violence and mental health – in order to raise awareness. Eminem also raised money in order to help with the damage caused by the 2017 bombing.

Lyrics –But I’m contemplating yelling ‘bombs away’ on the game / Like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting.

“Real talk, Eminem is such a piece of trash for making a punchline out of the 22 people who died in the Manchester attack,” one person wrote on Twitter. 

A young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – I would say that this CSP isn’t a ‘superficial issue’ as it is concentrated on a very important matter which resulted in 22 people losing their lives, with the Manchester Mayor stating – “This is unnecessarily hurtful and deeply disrespectful to the families and all those affected.”. Furthermore, terrorist bombings have effected mass amounts of people and is a subject that would cause a lot of emotional pain when referenced the way it was in Eminems song.

How are the codes and conventions of a website used in the product? How are these conventions used to influence meaning? – On the website there are links to multiple twitter posts showing their distress and anger towards the rappers new song. At the top of the article, there is an image of eminem next to an image of Ariana – which may be used in order to attract the viewer – showing that the artists may have had a disagreement/ argument and are therefore now ‘against’ each other. The use of only negative tweets is used in order to support the writers ideology of the situation, neglecting quotes/ tweets which counter her opinion.

How does the story construct a particular representation of the world –  This article portrays the world, or the teenage target audience, represents them as having a caring/ sympathetic attitude towards the victims of the Manchester bombing and how Eminem’s lyrics may have affected them. However, this representation may only be reacted as the person who wrote the article only portrays Eminem negatively, therefore their audience using and copying that opinion. The reality is that Eminem donated mass amounts of money towards the Manchester bombing and is using this article to raise awareness for gun violence and mental health ‘issues’. In addition, throughout the song Eminem also references Bin Laden and 9/11, however few people retaliate to these lyrics.

teen vogue specific articals


Halsey was meant to make albums, and it shows

From start to finish, from lyrics to production, Halsey’s third album “Manic” tells a complex story.


Halsey’s New Album “Manic”: A Track-by-Track Review

I’m a firm believer that the first time you hear an album should be front to back and so that’s why I make them that way! Some songs go together. Halves of a whole. so when Manic is out, pls don’t skip ur excited asses to a random song. Just at least not on the first listen 😅
— h (@halsey) January 15, 2020


social cultural-The article talks more about the complex mental journey Halsey went through to creating the album. this is more of a radical article in the sense that Halsey opened up about her mentality and in other words weakness and growth she went through

economic contexts

Media Language

How are the codes and conventions of a website used in the product?-The site uses small amounts of images mainly for the thumbnail. The layout of the post is done in paragraphs on the left side with subheadings of song tracks as you move down. with underline lyrics and sentences about the song that link you to “genius lyrics” with the previous underlined sentence highlighted.

How are these conventions used to influence meaning?

Audience targeting-teen girls interested in Halsey, or teen girls interested in the catching title and sub-heading of the article.

Media Representations. 

Teen Vogue Articles:

Article One – ‘Ariana Grande Fans Criticize Eminem’s Lyrics Referencing the Manchester Bombing’ https://www.teenvogue.com/story/ariana-grande-eminem-lyrics-manchester-bombing

Teen Vogue is culturally significant in its marrying of the political with fashion and lifestyle: This article delivers important social and political messages about the negative effects and insensitivity of the song while visiting both sides of the story to deliver a fair and valid argument. The magazine does this in such a way by using current language that is simple and relatable and includes popular culture themes such as tweets and singers rivals/scandals to try and position the implied audience to be interested and raise awareness of the more important issues within the text.

Target Audience Teen Girls more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues: This article radical as although it includes many ‘superficial’ articles includes many important social and political messages as they try and reach a concerning audience and aims to raise awareness of the issues at hand in a way that captivates the actual audience of anyone reading the magazine.

Explicit feminist stance and reporting on the Trump presidency has made it a relatively radical voice in the context of mainstream US media: This is a feminist stance as it encourages the target audiences to be interested and aware of current social and political issues and is not only aiming to include fashion and beauty articles but important, present issues.

Article Two:

Billie Eilish Talked Coronavirus and Social Distancing on Her Instagram Story/ https://www.teenvogue.com/story/miley-cyrus-hannah-montana-social-distancing-coronavirus-pandemic





Annie JeanBaptiste
This article is an interview with Annie Jean-Baptiste: Google’s Head of Product Inclusion, Research, and Activation at Google
  • Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues
    • I this is superficial because in this article, a women is influencing women to get into tech industries by sharing her personal experiences.
    • This article is superficial because it is well known that the technology industry is currently an industry that is more male dominated and that there are established “Women in Tech (WIT) groups which are aiming to entice more females to get into the STEM businesses (Science, Technology, Engineering and Music).
  • The codes and conventions of a website
    • The article indicates that is is aimed primarily at females over males as identified by the cover image of Annie Jean-Baptiste.
    • The caption to this article on the website is ” Google’s Head of Product Inclusion takes us behind the scenes ” which is enticing to females as it follows the common stereotype of children/teenagers – that they have an interest of seeing things that they may nit be allowed to.
    • The caption for this article is enticing to click the link as it can show you what her job is like as a female at Google and they have used Google as it is the most popular search engine, therefore the target audience will have the previous knowledge of Google, therefore they could understand the article more thoroughly than if they used a not so famous search engine, such as DuckDuckGo.
    • The key words in the article (such as “speaking”) are written in a different colour to stand out and they have hyperlinks to direct the audience to relevant articles that may interest them. These hyperlinks to other articles include advice, as well as political and social issues that are unfortunately currently happening around the world (such as racial discrimination and sexism)
  • How does the story construct a particular representation of the world
    • The article is fairly political as it in emphasises the large proportion of males compared to females in an industry that is stereo-typically associated with males.
    • This article is very radical as it is enticing more females to get into the STEM industry and goes against the ideology of males can dominate the STEM industry
    • This article is also fairly empowering to females as it gives them a sense of place and makes them feel inclusive to the industry as the article emphasizes how a woman, in one of the highest roles at what is the most famous and well known internet company that provides search engines, prove that the jobs in the STEM industry are not subjective to your gender.
    • The article also covers an interview with a black woman, being all inclusive and also emphasise racial equality, thus making this article both social as well as political orientated.

Vogue –

14 Powerful Protest Signs From the 2020 Women’s March

This post is based on Politics, this article is on the front page of the Teen Vogue website. The have prioritized photos in this article as it tells the story without having to use words, as the targeted age range is teens they are more likely to look through pictures rather than reading many paragraphs. This keeps the audience interested in the article.

This article is radicle as the woman are challenging the ideology of gender roles. The article shows women coming together from all cultures to protest for their rights, they are all smiling whilst getting their voice hear which is vogues slogan.”RISE,RESIST,RAISE YOUR VOICE. This article promotes vogues message to young girls.Teen vogue are supporting these women by placing this article in the center of the page and enlarging the photo.

Vogue has many subheadings such as politics, lifestyle, news,music,beauty,style,culture and identity.

Within the text there are underlined red texts which are links to other inspiring women march’s showing that vogue are consistent at keeping the audience up to date with the powerful march’s.

Group of protesters at the 2020 Women's March.

teen vogue articles

Anti War movements opposing war with Iran

Since the assassination of the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani tensions between the US and Iran have increased immensely. The president of the United States stated that the US has invested 2 trillion in military spending and are prepared to destroy cultural sites in Iran which is a war crime. Since this statement, over 80 anti-war demonstrations have taken place across America. This article is a in the political section of Teen Vogue as it relates to current affairs.

Fentanyl is likely behind a mass overdoes in California

In California one person has died and more than a dozen are in hospital. This is the latest wave of overdoses reportedly caused by the synthetic opioid “Fentanyl” which has terrorized the US. Fentanyl is an opioid pain killer that is 100 times more powerful than morphine and is used by drug dealers in drugs such as Heroin and cocaine. This article is part of the Identity section

Textual analysis of teen vouge

Ariana Grande Fans Criticize Eminem’s Lyrics Referencing the Manchester Bombing

  • Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – I don’t think my case study is superficial because it discusses important and political issues in a way that teenage girls would be interested.
  • The codes and conventions of a website – I would expect to see a main picture to sell the story on a website and they did have that.
  • How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – This story gives a mixed view of attitudes and behaviors within society and the world as it shows Eminem mimicking terrorist attacks within his lyrics (  “But I’m contemplating yelling ‘bombs away’ on the game / Like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting.” ) and people criticizing him and supporting the victims and families ( “Real talk, Eminem is such a piece of trash for making a punchline out of the 22 people who died in the Manchester attack,” ).
Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
>Microsoft publisher
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (satellite or terrestrial)
>Online shops
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s
>Social Media

21 Young People Tell Us Why They Wore Second-Hand Clothing to the Climate Strike 2019

political, social, cultural and economic contexts:

During the climate strike in September 2019 there was protests about the global climate strike where world leaders met and listened to scientists and those passionate to make a difference in the world. The protesters all wore second hand clothing and the majority being teenagers of a young age to stand up to world leaders such as Donald Trump who don’t care about the environment.

Socially the younger generations are trying to stand up to the capitalist leaders as my generation attempts to make a statement that we will not be pushed over and that we care.

Media language: