Originated in January 2003 as a sister company to Vogue as a magazine and finished publication in December 2017. Moving to become an online platform that focuses on fashion and beauty and is becoming more progressive and mentioning politics and current affairs.

The magazine was smaller than the average teen fashion magazines. With a 6.75 inch by 9 inch (17.145 cm x 22.86 cm) allowing it to fit into smaller “digest” slots at checkout areas possibly increasing sales. Also its price of $1.50 was half of other magazines aimed at the same demographic.

Vogue does not have vertical integration itself but is owned by Conde Nast Inc.(founded in 1909 by Conde Montrose Nast) with then owned by advance Publications which has horizontal integration as it owns Discovery Channel, Conde Nast, Wired, Lycos, Angelfire, Tripod and is a major share holder in Reddit.

As Advance Publications owns all these companies it is cross-media with Reddit being a Forum based social media platform, Wired being a culture based news platform that heavily utilize YouTube and Discovery Channel a Informative nature and wildlife based television company that also has non media based ventures like there cycling team and clothing and merchandise store (that has been recognized through collaborations with major fashion companies like North Face)

The online side of Teen vogue Started to pick up in 2016 with 2.9 million US visitors in January but was significantly surpassed by January 2017 with 7.9 million US visitors where it cemented itself as a online media source

After broadening there topics to increase politics after seeing the increase of visitors of 17-20 year olds it has become the sites most read section surpassing the entertainment section.

teen 35 mill advance 2.4 billion

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