Comparison of Deutschland and other TV

CHARACTERSDeutschland’83 – The detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and order
Basic characters of the Hero of Martin and Princess of Annett

Capital –

Capital – Petunia is a victim as she has a tumour
NARRATIVEBoth end with a cliff hanger or mystery for what will follow.

Deutschland – The first episode often introduces a lot of different characters
Being trapped in unfamiliar place at end of episode
Family always separated

THEMESThe use of binary oppositions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice.
One person saving many of East Berlin

Capital – Has themes of family, unity and loss
REPRESENTATIONReactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/rural
Different view of Communism as good SEMIOTIC
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)Opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.

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