Technology and Newspapers | ||
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license computer trees DTP data processors sources of information | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases / boxes social media platforms company / organisation / individual to deliver product storage billboards paper boys/girls target audience | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad/phone, computer reading glasses / eyes / braille / audio provision (headphones) WiFi target audience |
Monthly Archives: January 2020
Technology and Newspapers | ||
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
Computer/laptop Pen and paper Telephone Camera Microphone Licence Computer | Storage Social media influence Target audience Billboards Stacks and shelves | Wifi Headphone Digital device Ability to read |
Technology and Newspapers | ||
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license computer photoshop sources ink | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases / boxes social media platforms company / organisation / individual to deliver product storage billboards target audience | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad/phone, computer reading glasses / eyes / braille / audio provision (headphones) wifi |
Noam Chomsky revolutionised the field of linguistics by treating language as a uniquely human, biologically based cognitive capacity.
The cognitive revolution was an intellectual movement that began in the 1950s as an interdisciplinary study of the mind and its processes.
Noah Chomsky
Avram Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist. Sometimes called “the father of modern linguistics”, Chomsky is also a major figure in analytic philosophy and one of the founders of the field of cognitive science
In the 1960s, linguist Noam Chomsky proposed a revolutionary idea: We are all born with an innate knowledge of grammar that serves as the basis for all language acquisition. In other words, for humans, language is a basic instinct. The theory, however, has long been met with widespread criticism
Contribution to Psychology Chomsky is best known for his influence on linguistics, specifically, the development of transformational grammar. Chomsky believed that formal grammar was directly responsible for a person’s ability to understand and interpret mere utterances.
Thesis: transformational Analysis (1955)
Technology and Newspapers | ||
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license computer | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases / boxes social media platforms company / organisation / individual to deliver product storage billboards target audience | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad/phone, computer reading glasses / eyes / braille / audio provision (headphones) Wifi! |
Noam Chomsky
Chomsky, otherwise known as “the father of modern linguistics”, is best known for his influence on linguistics, specifically, the development of transformational grammar. Chomsky believed that formal grammar was directly responsible for a person’s ability to understand and interpret mere utterances.
“Normally, news ‘coincides with’ and ‘reinforces’ the ‘definition’ of the political situation evolved by the political elite.” – Murdock
“Fewer and fewer corporations control more and more of the American news media” – Bagdikian
“Swat flies but don’t beat tigers” – Polumbaum. This quote is in reference to Chinese media and their view on state criticism.
Technology and Newspapers
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license computer | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases / boxes social media platforms company / organisation / individual to deliver product storage billboards paper boys postman | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad/phone, computer reading glasses / eyes / braille / audio provision (headphones)/ wifi |
Technology and Newspapers
Technology and Newspapers | ||
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license computer | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases / boxes social media platforms company / organisation / individual to deliver product storage billboards, postman/papaperboy | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad/phone, computer reading glasses / eyes / braille / audio provision (headphones) Wifi |
Noam Chomsky
Chomsky, otherwise known as “the father of modern linguistics”, is best known for his influence on linguistics, specifically, the development of transformational grammar. Chomsky believed that formal grammar was directly responsible for a person’s ability to understand and interpret mere utterances.
Chomsky propose that the mass communication media of the U.S. “are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion”
Consent is manufactured by:
Structures of ownership: Stories that only benefit the conglomerates
The role of advertising: A concealed term for propaganda to control the people, selling the people to the advertising companies
Links with ‘The Establishment’: The stories that benefit other companies and organisations with the people who own the business
Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’: Whistle-blowers and bad journalists are discredited and crushed. They also change the stories to control the audience for what they want to hear.
Uniting against a ‘common enemy’: the media proposes a enemy for the people to rally against
Technology and Newspapers
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license computer | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases / boxes social media platforms company / organisation / individual to deliver product storage billboards postman / paperboys | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad / phone, computer) reading glasses / eyes / braille / audio provision (headphones) |
Noam Chomsky

Chomsky propose that the mass communication media of the U.S. “are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion”
Consent is manufactured by:
Structures of ownership –
Only stories that will benefit the conglomerates
The role of advertising –
Advertising paints the picture and propaganda to control people. This sells the people to the advertising
Links with ‘The Establishment’ –
The stories that benefit other companies and organisations with the people who own the businesses
Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’ –
Whistle-blowers and bad journalists are discredited and crushed. They also change the stories to control the audience for what they want to hear.
Uniting against a ‘common enemy’ –
The media proposes a enemy for the people to rally against
FRAMING – Influences the individual’s perception of something not real
Noam Chomsky
- American linguist. philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and a political activist
- Major figure in analytic philosophy
- One of the founders of the field of cognitive science
- From 1958 to 1959 Chomsky was a National Science Foundation fellow at the Institute for Advanced study
The sociology of news production by Michael Schudson (Quotes):
- “The link between ownership of news organisations and news coverage is not easy to determine”
- “The greatest research interest lies in determining its limits”
- “Explanations from political economy may be especially apt for understanding the broadly different stances different news organisations”
- “A political economy perspective has sometimes tended toward ‘conspiracy theory’ “
Process of manipulation and persuasion:
technology & newspapers – manufacturing consent
Production | Distribution | Consumption |
pen / pencil / paper word processor / printer telephone camera microphone license, computer | (large scale) printing press lorries / vans / cars stacks / shelves / display cases social media platforms billboards, storage, delivery, speakers,vehicles | paper (the ability to read? & understand?) a digital device (ipad/phone, computer reading glasses, braille |
Noam Chomsky – manufacturing consent. The power of the mass media uses propaganda to persuade the public. He would say all news is fake.
“A political economy perspective has sometimes tended towards ‘conspiracy theory'”
“The political economic perspective has been adopted & developed by primarily by left-wing critics & analysis of of the news media.”
The process of manipulation and persuasion works by: structure of ownership = concerns the internal organization of a business duties of the individuals within the business.
Media sets an agenda. Agenda setting is the creation of the public awareness & concerns the big issues by the news media.
They frame the agenda with things like colours and pictures of the front of newspapers to show the audience their position on the matter.
Media uses myth making to inform the audience of a position of a situation.
Conditions of consumption decide how mass audiences interpret the media.