NEA Coursework

Front cover (I don’t have my updated copy at home):

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Front-cover-for-magazine-1.jpg

Contents page:

Double page spread:

Statement of intent:

I want to create a magazine which will reflect how people can improve in games they want to improve in and will be appealing to the reader/consumer, and I intend to make a gamer guide for beginners as people today are often in need of guides however they often cease to exist. I would like to include relevant information to my initial ideas and needs to be up to date, informative and somewhat interesting as this product does need to appeal to the target audience. I intend to make it readily available to a variety of people and include a wide variety of games. My target audience (ideal consumer) will be for teenagers aged 15+ (both genders) as this is generally the age where most people get into gaming and want to improve.

My dominant signifier in my front cover is being represented as being ‘big’ and muscular which implies masculinity and represents how we portray men in the present day. We expect them to be muscular and strong and fight to get what we want or think we deserve as that’s what we’ve always known; it’s what we accept in society nowadays because it’s not something that has been introduced but has just been with us in the community for decades. This could be considered dominant ideology.

My contents page will resemble how this guide is supposed to be fun and have educational factors within it. The iconic images represent exactly what will be in the magazine and it gives the receiver an insight on what this magazine will actually contain. Although my contents page is simple it will show consistency throughout as everything will be in a more or less similar format as I don’t want to take away the physical content inside this magazine. The colour theme of the magazine is kept throughout the contents page as I don’t want to override the importance of the front cover and I don’t want to take away from the dominant signifier.

My double page spread will consist of one main image of a game and then have a guide on how to be good at this game and win it the majority of the time, with detailed descriptions of how to approach these tips. It will have some useful tips in order to facilitate the purpose of my magazine. It will be simple as I don’t want to take away from the purpose of this section.

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