Explain the appeal of low to medium budget films to Hollywood conglomerates

With Hollywood conglomerates having ownership over low to medium budget films, can be appealing for them (for example Fox owning the film Hidden Figures) as it can allow them to generate more advertisement and distribution towards their audience, as purchasing these small companies were inexpensive as it was low on budget. Furthermore, it allows for greater globalization, meaning in contemporary society, distant countries can become inter-rated and connected together by trade communications.

Hidden figures is a Hollywood film with a budget of $25 million. This is classified as a low to medium budget film. This is an industry category which has recently been acknowledged for its profit potential. Therefore, this is a main reason why the company Fox have chosen to become a conglomerate of the film Hidden Figures, as they see potential in this film to generate a successful amount of profit which allows them to lead to a high net income. Interestingly, the film Hidden figures did come out to be successful, with a total revenue of $236 million from producing the film. Furthermore, most of Fox’s film productions, including Titanic , Star Wars and Bohemian rhapsody, have been extremely successful, from its combined total revenue of $29 billion, so, by deciding to become the owner of the film Hidden Figures, there is a high chance that this film will also become a success. Furthermore, knowing that the film has profit potential, there is little risk in spending lots on marketing and advertisement to try and distribute the film across the world, because in the long run, the film is guaranteed to make great amounts of revenue.

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