Theory’s linked to boss life

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumStart-middle-end, starts and ends in equilibrium, spikes 1 way in the middle then balances out again in the end.Influencers are just finding their room, then the product’s brought out and the butler puts it on and gets ‘glamed up’, less excitment more calm
Binary OppositionAlways a conflict/opposition in a story. this helps the receivers of the image to come to a conclusion (usually to agree with the message given), because humans like to think and if it was just 1 way then they’d probably be put off of the idea.-Boring butler life – happy + excited
– Plain room (white walls) – Gold product
Character TypesThere’s always the same TYPES of character (person or thing) in every moving image, eg hero, villain, victim

Character type relation to advert:

Hero – Influencers (MannyMua + Shayla), Mascara – (product), it makes you feel like a boss and and feel better about yourself

Villain – Money (expensive luxury product)

Victim – Butler – Watching influencers enjoying themselves whilst he’s just doing his job, could fall victim to popularity (following the crowd)


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumThe theory is that as the story progresses the state of equilibrium can change,At the beginning the bell boy is dressed inn all grey and at work whereas at the end has a fancy gold suit on showing the change.
Binary Oppositionopposing meaning to great contrast the bell boy character and the tow man characters of the makeup artists who appear more glamorous.
character Types This is a theory on the types of characters used. The makeup artist represent the hero which saves everything with the massacre products and the damsel in distress is the bell


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Todorov’s Theory argues that every moving image follows a structure/plot and includes a beginning, a middle and an end. However, these elements are in equilibrium (balanced) at the end of the film, thus identifying that a resolution has been made. Todorov also mentioned that these events follow a chronological order of a beginning, middle and end. These are the full steps of equilibrium in media:
1) The narrative starts with everything normal and characters follow their day to day lives
2) An event stirs and causes trouble to the character.
3) There is a quest to make everything return back to normality
4) The narrative continues and the quest to normality is found
5) A way to restore normality is found and everything returns back to normal.
In the advert, the beginning is that Shayla and Manny arrive into a penthouse in New York. The event that causes disruption is the bellboy that arrives with loads of suitcases and presents them with a golden suitcase. The quest to return everything to normality is that Manny and Shayla open the golden suitcase and is transformed into a world of luxury, however, reality is restored when they put on the mascara and are transformed to a better world full of luxury.
Binary Opposition
Straus claims that there are certain elements that oppose to each other in order to thicken the plot and take the narrative into more depth. An example of this is in a superhero film, they include a superhero, who defeats the villain that is plotting to change everything and disrupt normality. The only problem with binary oppositions is that they can create negative stereotypes towards something that might actually have an aim to be regarded as a positive stereotype. Overall, it is very important to identify binary opposites because it broadens the narrative and takes it into more depth.
In this advert, Manny and Shayla are opposite to the bell boy, as they are on holiday/work trip and are staying in this penthouse in New York, whereas the bellboy that delivers the suitcase is working. Another binary opposite used in this advert is the clothing all the characters wear: the bellboy is wearing a dull grey bellboy uniform (before the transformation) whereas Manny and Shayla are wearing clothing that aren’t a uniform and are quite casual everyday clothing. However, at the end of the advert, they are all wearing golden clothes, signifying wealth that goes against the beginning of the advert when they are in plain, everyday clothing/ a bellboy uniform.
Character Types
Propp had analysed that moving images follow a plot and this plot is determined by the characters included and what decisions they make. Propp also concluded that in an advert there are different types of people in moving images: the hero, the villain, the donor (prepares the hero for what they are going to do), the helper,the false hero, the dispatcher (the person that sends to hero to the event) and the princess. Propp also stated that one character can adopt multiple roles (ie a person might act as both the donor and the dispatcher.
In “That Boss Life” the mascara can be seen as a hero as it creates beauty and gives power to people, whereas at the beginning, Manny and Shayla (before applying makeup) could be seen as the villains because they are not wearing makeup. It can also be argued that Shayla can be seen as a hero for “Bossing up” herself and Manny.

Theorists –

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumStory Structure – All stories follow a certain structure
Middle — disruption
End – resolution
Manny meeting Shayla in hotel room
Makeup box arrives – putting makeup on
‘Bossed up’ – wearing makeup
Binary OppositionA pair of related items with opposite meanings Working in as hotel – Staying in a hotel
Wearing makeup – no makeup
plain colours – gold
Character TypesStock characters
Hero and Villain
How many stories are there – only one, all follow the same structure. In ‘Bossed Up’ advert the character types are the Bell Boy = victim. MannyMUA and Shayla are the heroes. Makeup is also the hero and the natural/no makeup is the vilian

explaining 3 storyline theories

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibriumis the balance in the story of 2 oppositions then disupted equilibrium is when the story becomes unbalanced which is considered more interesting equilibrium is when the set is bland and normal before they get bossed up
Binary Oppositionbinary opposites helps to thicken the plot and further the narrative since its 2 oppositions agains each other eg good and evilthis is displayed when th story has the further narrative of getting bossed up
Character Typescharacter types is the theory that every story needs 8 types of characters. villain, hero, sidekick, victim…etcthe protagonists of the advert are the heroes and the bell boy is the victim of being saved from his boring job by getting bossed up
  • Todorov’s Theory of Narrative Equilibrium 
  • Levi-Straus Theory of Binary Opposition
  • Propp’s Theory of Narrative Characters Types


Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) Todorovs theory talks about narratives having three part structure How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibrium beginning
BEGINNING – arrives in scene of hotel room
MIDDLE – makeup is introduced – gold reflection floods the room
END – transformed from original looks and clothing to sophisticated and glamorous up (bossed up )
Binary Opposition two words/sentences that are opposite of each other

Levi Strauss theory talks about how binary opposite entail majority of media forms and how how help thicken the plot a further the narrative
Manny Mua and Shayla are all glamorous and bossed up, then theres the boy ball who is completely opposite in looks and clothing
Character Types hero

Prop’s Theory suggests that every narrative has eight different character types: hero, villain, helper, mentor blocker, prize.
HERO – makeup: as its introduced as something amazing that will
VILLAIN – no makeup
VICTIM – bell boy

Bossed up theorists

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumThe story structure eg. the beginning, middle and endBefore the use of the makeup, the beat drop and after the use of makeup.
Binary OppositionA pair of relating things with opposing meaning.The two makeup artists and the non makeup wearing bell boy. Working in a hotel – staying in a hotel.
Character TypesThe villain and hero. And stock characters. The makeup being the hero and not wearing makeup could be the villain.


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumBeginning, middle, endentering the room in regular close, middle is when they open the suitcase, apply make up then the beat drop and colors change. the end then occurs when the camera does slow motion shots and approaches both features who are posing.
Binary Opposition pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning Manny MUA and Shayla are all glamours with their make up and then the bell boy is also all BOSSD UP in his gold suit
character types hero,princess,villain,victim Hero- Make up
Princess- Shayla/Manny MUA
Villain- having no make up
Victim- bell boy brings in the suitcases