CSp4 Definitions

Conventions and Rules – A way in which something is usually done, following some flow or pattern.

Sub-genre – A smaller group of a genre held within a latger group e.g ‘horror’, which is quite a broad genre.

Hybridity – A combination/ cross over between two things

Genres of order and integration (Thomas Schatz) – Genres of order (western, gangster, sci-fi, the world is wrong it must be sorted etc) Hero = Individual, male = Dominant, Genres of Integration (Musicals, comedies etc) Hero = Group or collective e.g A family. Essentially two genres.

‘Genre as cultural category’ – How audiences access, engage, interpret and react to genres will influence the development of (that) genre.

Historic Specificity – Something which is associated with a certain time period.

Narrative Image –

Suspension of disbelief – A way/ method of escapism for the audience. e.g music building in a movie may increase the audiences apprehension. Emotions manipulated, telling the audience how they should be feeling.

Verisimilitude – The apperance of being real or true, creation of reality

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