essay planning

Explain how media organisations build and maintain audiences nationally and globally.

  • The program “The Killing” is a cross-genre show as it includes Serial, Drama, Thriller, Crime film, Crime Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, Action/Adventure, Police procedural and Action fiction.

ESSAY 2 – Hidden Figures

Budget = 25 million US dollars.

Hidden Figures grossed $169.6 million in the United States and Canada, and $66.3 million in other territories, for a worldwide gross of $236 million, against a production budget of $25 million.

Initial release: January 6, 2017 (Canada)

public service broadcasting

television and radio programmes that are broadcast to provide information, advice, or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit: The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public service broadcasting such as religious programmes. The BBC is an example of this

the killing plan

  • Know some media organisations associated with the killing
  • Know some audience theories associated with the killing
  • Find out how audience theories and media organisations maintain audiences
  • Have an idea about which genre of TV series and films attract which type of audience

Television definitions

Repertoire of elements : a group of generic elements that can be put into 6 groups. Iconography, we expect to see certain images on the screen. Style, the way it is displayed through camera angles and editing. Setting where the film is set. Narrative, the moments that impact the equilibrium and/or resolve the disruption. Characters, the way in which a character affects the narrative. Themes, the display of universal themes.

Corpus : Collections of pieces of media in groups of authors and Genres

Hybridization : Th combination of two or more media pieces to create a new one

Historic specificity : The association of a genre to a time period

Repetition and sameness: The choice to reuse elements of previous media that worked. But to make sure not to over use and bore the Audience

Variation and change : The purposeful differences in a piece of media to make it feel fresh to the audience.

Narrative image

Expectations and hypotheses : the preconceptions the audience have of the genre/film they are going to see

Suspend disbelief : making people believe in your piece of media that removes them from the real world

Generic regime of verisimilitude : the way the media piece makes something appear true or real

Conventions and Rules : the unwritten rules that define which genre a media form is in

Sub – Genre : A genre within a genre a way to specify media forms further

Hybridity : The way in which different media forms and pieces are merged and combine to access new audiences

Genres of Order and Integration ( Thomas Schatz) : Thomas Schatz theorized that there are only two genres ( Order and Integration)

Order : Contested space, ideologically unstable, argued over by dominant male usually through violence often resolving in death

Integration : Civilised space, ideologically stable, only between main character through emotion resolved through love

Genres as Cultural Category : Jason Mittell theorized that genres surpassed media and operate in industry, cultural practices and audiences.

CSp4 Definitions

Conventions and Rules – A way in which something is usually done, following some flow or pattern.

Sub-genre – A smaller group of a genre held within a latger group e.g ‘horror’, which is quite a broad genre.

Hybridity – A combination/ cross over between two things

Genres of order and integration (Thomas Schatz) – Genres of order (western, gangster, sci-fi, the world is wrong it must be sorted etc) Hero = Individual, male = Dominant, Genres of Integration (Musicals, comedies etc) Hero = Group or collective e.g A family. Essentially two genres.

‘Genre as cultural category’ – How audiences access, engage, interpret and react to genres will influence the development of (that) genre.

Historic Specificity – Something which is associated with a certain time period.

Narrative Image –

Suspension of disbelief – A way/ method of escapism for the audience. e.g music building in a movie may increase the audiences apprehension. Emotions manipulated, telling the audience how they should be feeling.

Verisimilitude – The apperance of being real or true, creation of reality


  • Stephen Neale-Steve Neale states that genres all contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the to the economy of the genre. Neale states that the film and its genre is defined by two things: How much is conforms to its genre’s individual conventions and stereotypes.
  • Repertoire of elements-A repertoire is a group of generic elements. For example two films may share the same repertoire however they may be seen by different audiences as there is not one film that uses all elements. In this repertoire there are six areas that make up the repertoire of elements
  • Corpus-corpus is (body) in latin meaning its in a collection eg horror
  • Hybridisation-Hybridisation is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby a new mode emerges containing elements of combined media. Hybrid media represent most modern media and the concept that different media forms can work together to create new media. eg romcom
  • Historic specificity-meaning a person associated with the certain time period
  • Repetition and sameness-The word ‘repetition’ is understood to signify the act of repeating something (actions, words, objects) as well as the result of this act the repeated action, word, or object.
  • Variation and Change-a change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits.
  • Narrative image-Narrative is defined as a mental image, or cognitive construct, which can be activated by various types of signs. This image consists of a world (setting) populated by intelligent agents (characters). These agents participate in actions and happenings (events, plot), which cause global changes in the narrative world
  • Expectations and hypotheses-Expectations theory attempts to explain the term structure of interest rates.  Expectations theories are predicated upon the idea that investors believe forward rates, as reflected (and some would say predicted) by future contracts are indicative of future short-term interest rates.
  • Suspension of Disbelief-In order to enjoy such stories, the audience engages in a phenomenon known as “suspension of disbelief”. so you no longer seat as a film but you have a connection with the characters (escapism or enjoyment). Suspension of disbelief only works to a cinema that takes you somewhere else
  • generic regime of verisimilitude-seeming like its real when its not idea of creating a reality the idea that the audience accept the reality of for example a dinner set in a film thinking its really a diner.
  • Genres of order and integration (Thomas Schatz)-only 2 genres one genre order other genre intergration

Genre key terms

repertoire of elements – A repertoire is a group of generic elements. For example two films may share the same repertoire however they may be seen by different audiences as there is not one film that uses all elements. 

corpus – new texts added to the genre ie, body of text.

hybridisation – Hybrid media represents most modern media and the concept that different media forms can work together to create new media. Eg, romantic comedy genre.

historic specificity – Associated with certain time periods.

repetition and sameness – lack of variety and repeated ideas.

variation – a change or dissimilarity.

narrative image – visual image that tells a story or has meaning.

expectations and hypotheses – A hypothesis is a specific prediction about what you expect to happen.

suspend disbelief – To suspend your own belief to enjoy something surreal. Eg, fantasy films and sci-fi.

generic regime of verisimilitude – It is what is likely to be included in the genre. For example, a fantasy novel that includes an imaginary world has a generic verisimilitude. What is likely to occur based on the genre.

More Definitions

Repertoire of Elements – elements of a film/TV show that are shown in almost every video that is a certain genre.

Corpus – new texts that are added to the body of similar texts.

Hybridisation – the term used to describe when two genres are merged into one film.

Historic Specificity – when a genre is associated with a specific time period – e.g. war is associated with WW1 or WW2 or Vietnam.

Repetition and Sameness – when a new film repeats stuff in the genre to achieve the successful formula that many others have used previously that are in this genre.

Variation and Change – when a new film varies parts of the film so the audience see it as a new different product but to still keep it similar so the audience still has some familiarity.

Narrative Image – how the story progresses in a similar format to other examples that are in the same genre.

Expectations and Hypotheses– what the audience expects and predicts will happen.

Suspend Disbelief – when the audience feel as if they are in or part of the film or TV show.

Generic Regime of Verisimilitude – what is likely to occur in a genre text.