stephen neale key terms

  • Repertoire of elements- the idea that all films in a genre has similar features.
  • Corpus- a collection of texts which are similar.
  • Hybridisation- a genre which is a mix of new and different genres.
  • Historic specificity-genres that are associated with a specific time period.
  • Repetition and sameness- features of a genre being constantly repeated throughout other texts.
  • Variation and change-features of a genre being changed throughout different texts.
  • Narrative image- visual story
  • Expectations and hypotheses- the preconceived ideas that the spectator holds due to past viewings of texts from that genre.
  • Suspend disbelief- the spectator buys into the film and becomes emotionally attached.
  • Generic regime of verisimilitude- what is probable in a genre text which match up with personal experiences/ other texts.

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