
TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibrium The state of being at equilibrium is being constant and fine with nothing bothering you e.g all stories will have a exposition, complication and resolution. Equilibrium would be at the beginning then the complication happens and ruins it but the resolution brings it back to equilibrium. The advert starts off at equilibrium when they’re happy and feel comfortable with what they’re wearing and how they look then the mascara is the complication because they want to be ‘bossed up’ and once they’ve used it they’re happy and comfortable again therefore at equilibrium.
Binary Opposition Binary opposition is a pair of related concepts that are completely opposite e.g white&black, North&South or the could be a neutral balance e.g a product only for women and not for men has been made available to both genders. This advert has made a product genuinely associated as a product only for women and made it neutral for men and woman by having both genders in the same advert. They have also used a black woman and a white man to make it neutral. The opposites are they’re in New York to show how extravagant they are as opposed to St. Helier a small Jersey parish that isn’t very glam.
Character Types There are certain types of characters which are always within stories e.g they may have different personalities but they play a role like a hero, villain, victim, princess, dispatcher. The heroes were MannyMUA and MakeupbyShayla as they’re the main characters and they use the product and are magical and special. The suitcase man is the dispatcher as he gives them the product and the other makeup brands are the villains as they’re trying to defeat and beat them.


Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibrium Todorov’s Theory  That every narrative follows a three part structure. the begins with equilibrium where everything is balanced then something disturbs the equilibrium then they resolve it. at the beginning they are happy and enjoying what they have. Then the bellboy brings in the suitcase ruining the happiness of the plain room. They then get ‘bossed up’ and are even more happy with the gold and sparkly room.
Binary Opposition Binary opposites are used to thicken the plot and further the narrative since its 2 oppositions again each other
Character Types Propp suggested that every narrative has 8 character types. the villain. the donor, the helper, the hero, the princess, the false hero and the dispatcher the villain= having no makeup
the donor= bellboy
the helper= makeup
the hero= influencers
the princess=
the false hero=
the victim=

Theories Linked To Boss Life

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumTodorov – Has a beginning-middle-end, It starts and ends in equilibrium, peaks in the middle (disruption) but balances out again towards the endThe influencers enter the room and a bell boy comes in with products, everyone puts one the Boss life mascara and everyone becomes ‘Bossed up’ including the bell boy, towards the end there’s less excitement and is more calm
Binary OppositionLevi-Straus – There’s always a conflict/opposition in the story, this helps the receivers to come to a conclusion (generally people should agree with message given) people like to have 2 sides when deciding their opinion otherwise they may be put off with there only being one side– Boring bell boy life and then he gets happy and excited due to being ‘Bossed up’
– Plain spacious room which emphasises the mascara when it comes into the advert, bright gold product
Character TypesPropp – There’s always the same character types in every movie, book, magazine, news article etc. e.g: hero, villain, victim– Influencers are the hero’s
– Bell boy is the dispatcher and possibly the victim as he has to watch the others get ‘Bossed up’ until he’s able to also get ‘Bossed up’
– Money is the villain


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibriumtodorovs theory. a state of balance in a story before the main character goes on a quest and goes through the stages of a storybefore the mascara is applied
Binary Oppositiontwo or more oppositions in media or characters that fulfill a functionrepresentation of gay
person compared to
straight woman
Character Types
set presets of characters that are often portrayed in media

The language of moving image

Technical Code Denotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear) Connotation (ie what does it signify) 
Setting High-End apartment in New York Luxury, wealth. 
Clothing Starts out as plain, becomes expensive clothing as the characters use the product Implies that the product will make your life better, more extravagant, that it will make you wealthy. 
NVC Gold is used throughout the advert Signifies wealth and a luxury product, makes the product appear more high quality than it actually is. 
Dialogue Dialogue accentuates the state of luxury the characters are in. Reinforces the idea that the product is high end and expensive. 
Sound Effect Sound of wands and gold  Implies magic and wealth, and how the product will help the buyer’s lifestyle 
Music Upbeat, intensifies as the characters use the product. Implies that the product is exciting, new and will make life more fun. 
Camera shot size   
Camera movement Sways and zooms, slow motion The camera is abrupt but also elegant during slow motion. Smooth movement implies the quality of the product is high 
Editing Gold shine and reflection from the makeup. Wealth, that the product is of high quality. 


Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) How does it apply to the advert (in your own words) 
Equilibrium Every story is composed of a beginning, middle and end. Each story starts in equilibrium and then it is shaken up by a conflict which must be resolved. The characters start out as normal people but when they use the product at the midpoint of the advert their lives transform, and they start to become rich and live a life of luxury. 
Binary Opposition The idea that every story is based around opposites such as bad and evil, east and west etc. There exists many opposites in the advert, the opposition between the bellboy and the influencers, the opposition between male and female presented as neutral, and the opposition between rich and poor where being rich is presented as something to aspire to – and the product is presented as a way to transform your life from poor to rich. 
Character Types Stock characters exist, such as the hero and villain, and these are used in all stories that are told The influencers or product itself could be categorised as the hero as it is shown to improve the character’s lives. The bellboy could be the dispatcher since he brings the product to the characters, or he could be the victim, since he is liberated from his work by using the product.