Boss life theories

Character types: a character type is a certain trait or role a character will have to progress the story = examples are the Hero(protagonist), Villain (antagonist), princess(the character who gets rescued in one way or form) etc. This relates to the boss life advert as the hero in the advert isn’t necessarily a hero but the product themselves and Manny and the Bell Boy gets changed into a better version of themselves, they were the princesses but as the woman introduces the product she could also be seen as a hero.

A story has Three parts to it the equilibrium where everything is balanced and good nothing, in particular, affects the story yet which then shifts into disequlibrium/Disruption as their is conflict,change, issue that is introduced and finally finishes into resolution/new equilibrium where the story gets balanced again after the issue or change is fixed or accepted.

equilibrium in the boss Life advert is when Manny goes to his new apartment this is emphised by when he says “this room is everything”, everything is balanced there nothing new of interest yet disequilibrium

Disruption in the boss life advert is when the product arrives and causes the environment and people to change.

resolution/new equilibrium In the Boss Life advert is when the people are transfered into this better bossed up look where the are all blinged up nad the whole aura of the advert becomes golden and bright.

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