Theorist | What does it mean (in your own words) Todorovs theory talks about narratives having three part structure | How does it apply to the advert (in your own words) |
Equilibrium | beginning middle end | BEGINNING – arrives in scene of hotel room MIDDLE – makeup is introduced – gold reflection floods the room END – transformed from original looks and clothing to sophisticated and glamorous up (bossed up ) |
Binary Opposition | two words/sentences that are opposite of each other Levi Strauss theory talks about how binary opposite entail majority of media forms and how how help thicken the plot a further the narrative | Manny Mua and Shayla are all glamorous and bossed up, then theres the boy ball who is completely opposite in looks and clothing |
Character Types | hero villain princess victim Prop’s Theory suggests that every narrative has eight different character types: hero, villain, helper, mentor blocker, prize. | HERO – makeup: as its introduced as something amazing that will VILLAIN – no makeup PRINCESS – Shayla VICTIM – bell boy |