boss life advert🍀👌🤩

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
Settinga hotel room in new Yorka luxurious hotel room in an expen-sive city
Clothingtop and trousers & shoes on both the main characters, bell boy wearing hot-el uniform
NVCwinkingwink to communicate a ‘secret’
Dialoguelets get bossed upconnotes that the product will make you a ‘boss’ the slogan for the product
Sound Effecttwinkle soundconnotes magic
Musicmusic in the background after they get ‘bossed up’connotes life gets better and more exciting after using the product.
Camera shot size
Camera movement 🎅😊🤩😘😀😆😉😊😶🤑🤡👺👹👽👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🦗🦂👥🎟🧦⚾🔎🖌📌⏰🍟🍤🍴🌻☘🍀🚗🌚

language of moving image

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
SettingNew York hotel roomMetropolitan, busy, wealthy
ClothingBegins in casual, plain clothes, turns into goldThis mascara will make you rich and wealthy
NVCWink at the camera, bell boy has a smug expression & shrugsLike they know something, as if he knew what was going to happen
Dialogue“Bossed up.”‘Bosses’ are considered powerful and in charge
Twinkle noise Magic,
MusicHip-hop style, upbeatRelates to younger audiences, captures attention
shot size
Wide shotsPromotes product
Camera movementZooms in and outCreates a focus on the product
EditingTransition from plain to gold

The language of moving image

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
SettingNew York apartment Wealth and luxury and fame
ClothingPlain and normal everyday clothing at first but once they’re bossed up their clothes are gold and glam.That one you wear the mascara you look rich and super glam
NVCSuitcase man had a smirk and shrugged his shouldersHe knows how amazing the mascara is and he knew it wouldn’t disappoint
DialogueThe words ‘bossed up’That the mascara will make you look a ‘boss’ which is usually associated with the best therefore you’ll look great
Sound EffectTwinkle sound effect Implying that this mascara is magical and will transform your looks
MusicUpbeat hip hop style musicThis mascara will make you look cool and the music catches your attention
Camera shot sizeWide shots of room Showing how expensive and good your life will be once you buy the mascara and showing product in the background
Camera movementZooms into eyes and mascaraShowing the audience how great this mascara is and how nice your lashes will look and how great and expensive and golden it looks

the LANGUAGE of moving image 🤷‍♀️

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
SettingNew York city, streets, hotel room and back alley. then gold room. expensive city, nice room connotes rich and elite.
Clothingnormal clothing, normal hotel staff uniform/ dark colours, then gold clothing/gold uniform/sparkly connotes rich and luxurious.
Dialogue‘lets get bossed up’ connotes that the product will make you a boss. the word boss has connotations of being in charge and being important
Sound Effectsparkly sound when the gold case comes in.connotes the case has something in it that is special and expensive.
Music music in the background after they get ‘bossed up’. connotes that life gets more exciting after they are ‘bossed up’ as the music gets louder.
Camera shot size
Camera movement

Language Of Moving Image

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
SettingNew YorkGlamorous, Fashionable, Wealthy/Rich, Modern
ClothingStarts off dull/plain and simple but becomes Sparkly, Gold and FancyGlamour, Wealth, Mascara will make you feel good and ‘Bossed up’
NVCGestures, Shift in representation of identityIndicating Bossed up mascara is a good product, Stereotypes are changing
DialogueInteraction with each other and the product, EnergeticIntroduces product, Enthusiasm
Sound EffectKind of ‘Twinkly’, SwooshMagical, Sparkly, Bossed up, sudden change in perception
MusicUpbeat, Modern, ClassyBossed up mascara is a classy product, gives confidence
Camera shot sizeWide Angle
A lot to take in
Camera movementAngles change throughout the advertisementImplies how the product can make you feel, can feel better about yourself if you use this product
Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
Settingnew yorksuccess, wealth and high-end
Clothingclothing goes from greyscale to
shiny gold and silver
NVCthey appear confident and
powerful after applying the
this product will
give you
Dialoguethey stop talking once they get
“bossed up” because they don’t
have to
shows that their
power speaks for
Sound Effectsparklemagic,
Musichip hopfeeling powerful
Camera shot size Different camera angle cutsshows the product being used and
provides evidence
to the audience
that they are using
the product so the
results are more
Camera movementemphasizes the transformationpower
Editingenhanced gold effectshows the suitcase as being valuable and worth a lot