key words

Positive and negative stereotypes – stereotypes are widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. These stereotypes can either be good or bad.

Counter-types – a positive stereotype that emphasises the good qualities 

Misrepresentation – an inaccurate representation of someone or something. 

Selective representation – when groups of people are represented more in government than others. 

Dominant ideology the attitudes, beliefs, values, and morals shared by the majority of the people in a given society

Constructed reality – the theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped 

Hegemony – Media hegemony is a perceived process by which certain values and ways of thought promulgated through the mass media become dominant in society.

Audience positioning – how the audience is manipulated to view something in a certain way 

Fluidity of identity – suggests that identity is dynamic and changes regularly 

Constructed identity – identity that has been constructed into a concept by society of how someone should be

Negotiated identity the unspoken agreement in a relationship of ‘who is who’

Collective identity – the identity of a group asa a whole 

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