Positive and negative stereotypes– behaviors and looks that people commonly assume with certain genders, age and religion however sometimes these assumptions can be positive and sometimes they can be negative. E.g women are only good for cooking and cleaning is a negative stereotype and police save people is a positive stereotypes.

Counter-types – a non stereotypical figure which challenges society. E.g a gay Muslim man

Misrepresentation- a figure or icon that is represented incorrectly. E.g the man on front of the cover of men’s health

Selective representation– when you chose to only represent certain figures to make your product more idea and wanted my the consumer. E.g Only putting strong, independent and emotionally together males on the front of the men’s health magazine.

Dominant ideology – a belief or attitude that a whole community or society believes in. E.g the western world believe that children should go to school.

Constructed reality


Audience positioning-

Fluidity of identity – it can change and move throughout time. E.g. one day someone may feel like being a strong male the next they might want to wear dresses and paint their nails

Constructed identity– forming of a person by the way a certain society feels and the culture they believe in. E.g a christian mother will stay at home and look after her children and always take them to church on a Sunday.

Negotiated identity– changing someones beliefs and identity by the use of cultural beliefs and the mass media. E.g someone who thinks they like oranges watches lots of TV about oranges and now they love Oranges.

Collective identity– a persons feeling of belonging within a certain community or group. E.g a rugby player feeling like part of her team and feeling valued within that team.

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