Definitions -task 2

Positive and negative stereotypes = Positive stereotypes give a good representation of a thing or person, where negative stereotypes give a bad representation

Counter-types = challenges the dominant ideology

Misrepresentation = this is the act of giving something a false or misleading representation of something. It puts an idea into the audiences head which is wrong.

Selective representation = this is when one group of people or things are represented more than others in order to get a message across and put an idea into peoples heads

Dominant ideology = this is the main most common idea of what is good

Constructed reality = this is the idea that we present ourselves to others in certain ways because of the media and what we are exposed to from that

Hegemony = this is the leadership or dominance by one group over others. The group who come up with the ideas and create the final product.

Audience positioning = this is the way in which a camera or view is placed so that the audience will feel a certain way. for example if a camera is looking down at people, it makes the audience feel superior

• Fluidity of identity = there is not a fixed conception of an identity so there is fluidity for how it is presented.

• Constructed identity = when an identity is built in a way to persuade or influence the consumer to see things their way.

• Negotiated identity = when the way identity is represented, is negotiated into an agreement which is everyone’s ideal.

• Collective identity = the identity of a whole group, rather than an individual / the way a group or ‘collective’ is seen or perceived .

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