Statement of intent 


The typical audience would be young males aged between 19 and 25. Young professional workers employed by corporate organisations, have an expendable income. Generally, youthful and active members of society have high sociable interaction. During breaks or lunch they are likely to read the physical copy of the magazine and conform to the new affluent workers. 

The front cover draws the specific reader into finding out more through the use of the index sign (body image) represented on the front. The title is in a bold dynamic colour, which will attract this demographic. The red colour signifies energy proving the point of the magazine as energy is needed in boxing. The body image stance portrays dominance which will attract this age group. This is because in their spare time they will go to the gym and wind down/relax by gaming. 

As there are relatively few gaming magazines for boxing, I chose this style of gaming and added the title clache as a play on words with clash. Clache will appeal to this audience as the word clache evokes violence and males tend to like violence in games. This is symbiotic of the aspiring group, aiming for body perfection believing that image is important to them. 

I use the word “knockout” which symbolises a knockout punch in boxing, major references to boxing terminology are annotated. Words like “heavyweight, low blow”, appeal to the reader as transference from the boxing game to the boxing ring can be deduced  from the use of these words. Mainly informal wording was used so that their interest would not be lost. 

I aim to represent boxing to the young professional classes rather than the stereotypical working class ideology.  This magazine is aimed at white collar workers. There is a definite trend for white collar boxing, whereby the proceeds are given to charity 

I am able to photograph a member of my family who typifies the image we are trying to create and his experience in the gym. This proves him to be the perfect candidate for this project. I have a console myself and understand how gaming works. By using the images and the words this can create aspirations joining the game and gym fraternity.  

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