Gaming Magazine Cover Plan


  • World of Warcraft based gaming magazine
  • Logo of game at the top ”world of warcraft weekly”
  • Main colours = brown, blue green ( medieval theme to recreate RPG themes )
  • Border to match the logo of the game
  • recognizable image from game as main image
  • plugs overlapping main image
  • target audience = RPG community
  • uses and gratifications = inform & educate, entertain

NEA first draft

I was planning on putting a different character of a game in each small box that will eventually fill the whole page. I wanted to leave the background white and use red and white in the title. I’d write the features/ extra information at the bottom of the page in 3 different boxes placed next to each other.

Ideal consumer:

  • gender: male
  • age: 14-18
  • genre: retro games

Magazine Design Plan

My Magazine – LEVEL UP!

I have decided to include the cover image of my magazine as Marion, the main character of the new game my magazine is based on, Marion Racers. When I create the magazine cover, I will edit it so that it looks like the kart is moving towards the consumer (face on) so it looks as if Marion is establishing a relationship with the reader through non verbal communication

For the caption of the cover image, I have used the font and colours (rainbow) of the title of the Marion Racers title. Due to the many colours that the magazine will involve, my magazine cover will be aimed at Teenagers (ages 10-16), hence why I have used a funky font that would appeal to youths more than adults.

I have also included 3 plugs at the bottom, with what the consumers will expect in the magazine, so that they are enticed to buy the magazine and read the magazine. These plugs include a competition you can enter within the magazine, an interview with a profession gamer called SpewPieDie and an article that introduces BotBoy, the new character you can play as in Marion Racers.

Missing from my magazine is the price, which I will put in a bubble on the left hand side to Marion in her racing car.

My Ideal consumer will be Teenagers (Ages 10-16), so I will use bright colours to attract their attention. My magazine will also be quite cheap so they can afford the magazine with their own pocket money. My ideal consumer will be based at females who can game, especially as my cover image will be a female games character. The ideal consumer will have long blonde hair, wear the fashionable trainers and wear ripped jeans (the typical teenager you will find everywhere). As my ideal consumer are girls, I will include feminine colours, (Red, Pink, Purple) and as I’m aiming the magazine at teenagers, I will include trends that teenagers use, such as
#GIRLPOWER, so the consumers instantly know this magazine is based at girls, as also shown by the multiple use of girl game characters as the cover image on my magazine.

Plan – Version 1 – Sunday Gamer

This is my new title/logo to the Sunday Gamer and it also has a head that I started drawing as a character will go there but I ran out of time to finish it.

My ideal consumer is a 15 year old boy that has no life and spends all day inside. He wears black jeans and a hoodie with trainers. He is about 5 foot 4 inches with long hair and acne. Came on a moped with headphones in and has an Android phone.