Media Induction Questions

What is media? 

Media is the name for all news companies that expands information and products to the wider world.

What is media studies? 

Studying and learning about how information is expanded, how it is expanded and learning how to work in a similar fashion to bigger mainstream company’s for when your older. The point of media studies is to learn how to interpret knowledge and disperse knowledge to a wider audience with as much accuracy as possible. By studying a level media you can learn more skills and use your qualifications to move onto future courses and a career 

What I hope to learn in media studies

In media studies I want to learn how to effectively create media content and learn from teachers and listen to advice on how to successfully improve to use skills in the real world in employment.

Media Statements

Media is a form of shared content that can either be digital or physical.

Media Studies is the study of different forms of media, such as magazines and videos, and how to produce these to an industry standard.

The point of media studies is to learn how to produce multiple forms of media to an industry standard.

I think studying media will help me to become proficient at creating thumbnails for videos and to help me improve my photoshop skills to improve my photos and videos.