What is media?

  • The main means of mass communication – Media can be used to store or deliver data. It also has many jobs linked to it such as journalism, advertising and broadcasting.

Why is media media important?

  • As technology is on the rise, media becomes more relevant everday. Many jobs are linked to media today therefore it is now a fairly important subject to study.

What I would like to learn…

  • Whilst studying media, I would like to learn how to get better at editing and become more confident with Photoshop.


What is Media? Media is where people can share information socially with one another through platforms like news reports.

What is Media studies? Media studies is the studying of Media and journalism of platforms.

What is the point of Media? The point of Media studies is to share information that everyone should have an access to. This will help people to understand Media and what it is.

What do you want to learn in Media Studies? In Media studies I hope to learn the reasons of why people want to publish news and go into journalism.

Media Statements

What is Media? 

Media is a form of mass communication used for different reasons such as :

to inform/educate,entertain,socialise,escapism

Media is present in multiple forms.

What is media studies?What is it’s point?

Media studies is a form of education which is teaches students about different types and uses of media, it’s also teaches people important info and tips which come useful in media industries and media language. The point of media studies is to educate people how useful it is and how it can be utilised for many purposes which are key in almost everyone’s everyday life.

What are you interested in media? 

Media interests me as I find it fascinating how we can learn to make influential and powerful forms of media. I believe it’s a pathway to an important marketing job that I wish to acquire in the future. I also believe it’s a very useful subject to study as people use all sorts of media in their day to day life and it’s useful to see the behind the scenes of the different media’s they come into contact with.


What is Media?
Media is a form of mass communication used to inform and influence. There are multiple forms of media such as newspapers, magazines and videos.

What is the point of Media Studies?
Media is a large part of society and media studies is the study of multiple different forms of media in order to allow someone to expand their knowledge on the subject and then in turn be able to communicate ideas in different forms.

What are you interested in in Media?
I want to study media because I would like to learn about modern day ways of journalism. I’m also interested in fashion so would like to learn about jobs where I can involve that with journalism. It would also be good to learn the impact that media has on business, both small and large. I would also like to learn a new skill in Photoshop.


What is media?

Media is a form of communication such as news, broadcasting and publishing.

What is media studies?

It is learning about different ways to communicate using different forms of media.

What is the point of media studies?

To gain new useful skills and go into depth about the different forms of media and how they’re used.

What are you interested in about media?

I am interested in the design and creative aspect of media and I believe that it’s very enjoyable and inventive.

Media Induction

Media means mass communication, which can include broadcasting, publishing and the internet. Communication channels consist of news, advertising/ promotional messages or even education. Media is used to inform and influence people in larger groups. Media studies is a course in which you learn how to inform and influence large amounts of people effectively. It can be useful for many careers including marketing/advertising positions where messages need to be sent out to masses of people. I’m taking this course as I’m hoping to take fashion design and marketing at university, I want to study media a level to prepare me for the marketing side of the degree. I think it will help having background knowledge before I go down that career path so I know what to expect when I start university. 

Media Forms

Media Forms –

  • Newspaper, Magazine, Radio, Television, Video Games, Advertisement, Online (Internet), Books, Movies, cinema, Music, Devices (Phones)

Forms studied on the course –

  • Newspaper – Books – The Daily Mail
  • Magazine 
  • Radio – Podcast
  • Television – Soaps – Grey’s Anatomy
  • Cinema – Movies – Shrek
  • Video Games – Man Of Medan
  • Advertisement
  • Music – Twenty One Pilots – Chlorine
  • Online – Websites – Blogs

Similarities + Differences –

(Most) Newspapers, Magazines and Books are physical and word based, whereas Media Forms such as, Radio, Television, Cinema, Video Games and online aren’t physical and are audio based Mediums.

In addition, Newspapers, Non-fiction books and Adverts tend to be more formal, informative and serious; focusing on events occurring world-wide. However, mediums such as Video Games, Movies, Magazines and Television are more informal and used in order to entertain the audience.

Media summer task

The main intention behind my magazine cover was to present an idea of evil and good. I did this by using green to represent good and red to represent evil. Another way I showed this was when I created the header with both the green and red colours. I found the red monster from a movie poster, I thought it would be appealing to a gamer as it shows their target/the ‘bad guy’ in a game. The background colours are red and green ombré which reflect the theme of the magazine.

I used text to appeal to gamers too. I used side headings saying things like ‘top tips’ and ‘how to’. I’d hope that these phrases would attract a gamer audience because they would want to learn about the game to become a better player. I also used a collage of words to do with gaming that could attract gamers to the magazine. Some of these words are ‘Nintendo’, ‘hero, ‘retro’ and ‘Xbox’. 

In the bottom left and right corner I found a logo for the magazine because it says ‘good vs evil’ and I also found another logo that could be another gaming company that sponsors the magazine. This makes it look more professional.
At the top of the cover I used a strip of writing about new laptops. I think this would interest gamers because it shows the magazine isn’t just about the actual game but also the technology side. 

To create the final cover of the magazine I used mostly found material. I cropped and edited headings from movie posters and also used text from other magazines. Then I used a digital website to create the ‘evil’ heading. 

Iconic signs

  • The red monster
  • The logo
  • The sponsor logo
  • The ‘Evil’ title
  • Catching headers


  • The labels beside the monster that describe how to defeat him.
  • ‘The rise and fall of ion storm’
  • ‘World of Warcraft’
  • face of the monster represents the villain in a game


  • ‘new laptops’ sign links to technology/gaming
  • Catching headers ‘exclusives’
  • red background to symbolize the monster
  • Green background to symbolize ‘good’
  • red background can also link with ‘evil’ and danger
  • grungy font of heading links to ‘evil’