Different Signs on My Nintendo Magazine

Iconic Signs:

  • Nintendo Logo
  • Red font (Nintendo branding)
  • Super Mario logo
  • Barcode = shows it is a magazine
  • Mario image = looks exactly like Mario
  • Mario power-ups in the background relate to the Super Mario games.

Indexical Signs:

  • Super Mario
  • Red font colouring
  • Mario coins in the background
  • Mario power-ups in the background
  • Super Mario colours (rainbow used in the Super Mario logo)
  • The font used for the font saying “Super Mario Strikes Again” is similar to the famous Super Mario Logo used in all the games within the Super Mario franchise.
  • Price on my magazine cover
  • Mario jumping = associated with the game as Mario jumps to collect the coins
  • Pop up for Super Smash Brothers in the bottom right hand corner as Mario is a playable character in the Super Smash Brothers Game.

Symbolic Signs:

  • Pop up for Super Smash Brothers in the bottom right hand corner as Mario is a playable character in the Super Smash Brothers Game.
  • Super Mario colours
  • Red font colouring
  • Mario coins in the background
  • Mario power-ups in the background
  • White background (colour of Mario’s gloves)
  • The font used for the “June 2019 Edition”

Media Timeline

Newspapers – They were first circulating in the 17th century, and the first one was printed in 1665.

Advertising- Advertisement`s were first introduced in the 16th and 17th century’s within newspapers.

Magazines – The earliest form of magazine was launched in Germany in 1663. America`s first magazine was launched in 1923.

Radio – The first practical radio transmitters and receivers were developed around 1895-6 by Italian Guglielmo Marconi, and radio began to be used commercially around 1900.

Cinema – The first cinema was in Berlin Wintergarden Theatre. This was in 1895 and a short, silent film was presented by the Skladanowsky brothers.

TV- The first ever television stations started appearing in America in the late 1920s and early 1930`s.

Music Video – The first music video as we would know it today was Tony Bennetts “Stranger in Paradise”, and this was in 1953.

Video Game – thought be have been created in 1958 by William Higinbotham.

Online – in 1993, researchers began to assemble what we would now know as the modern internet.


An iconic sign – which has a direct connection to its’ object (ie it looks or sounds like the object): 1. Two people’s faces are on the front cover making it iconic 2. There are pictures of the cars which look similar to real life. 3.

An indexical sign – which has an indirect link to its’ object (think smells 1. F1 logo links to motor sport and racing 2. Title “Racing review” creates a link to motor sport and competition between people to reach a place/ person first 3. Their fire proof suits link to safety and fear of being hurt or injured.

  1. symbolic sign – which has a random or arbitary link based on a shared knowledge or an agreement, for example, a shared culture or language (think letters, words, writing, shapes, squiggles, colours, sound effects, facial expressions, hand gestures, clothing, hair styles, etc) 1. We can all agree that the letters all mean something and come together to make a word and a sentence. There is no evidence to prove that this is real but something we agree upon.

Annotation of Magazine

Iconic Signs- In my magazine I have included iconic signs, examples of these are:

  • The sledgehammer
  • The console controller
  • The helmets
  • The weapons
  • The outfits

Indexical Signs– In my magazine I have included indexical signs, examples of these are:

  • The console controller
  • The subtitle “The most unique and tactical shooter”

Symbolic Signs-