
  1. Roland Barthes – he was a French literary theorist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician and the study of sign 
  2. C. S. Pierce – created the idea of signs being iconic, indexical and symbolic. He was an American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist who is sometimes known as “the father of pragmatism” 
  3. Ferdinand de Saussure – he was a Swiss linguist and semiotician. He theorised in language and the connections between their meanings associated with the language 
  4. Semiotics – the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation
  5. Sign – an object, gesture or action that is used to convey information or an instruction
  6. Signifier – A signs physical form (Saussure)
  7. Signified – The meaning expressed by a sign
  8. an iconic sign – A person or thing represented as a symbol for a deeper meaning
  9. an indexical sign – A sign of something
  10. a symbolic sign – Is a sign that is represents/ is associated with something
  11. Code – a system of words/ figures or symbols that is used to represent others
  12. Dominant Signifier – main accepted meaning of a sign 
  13. Anchorage – directs the viewer to a chosen meaning. 
  14. Ideology – a set of ideas or beliefs that people have regarding different kinds of technologies 
  15. Paradigm – a grouped/typical example of something similar
  16. Syntagm – when a sign appears in a sequence, that creates a different meaning
  17. Signification – A representation or conveying of a message, a sequence to create meaning
  18. Denotation – The literal meaning of words in contrast to what the word suggests (Barthes)
  19. Connotation – an idea or feeling that is abstract to the meaning of intentions
  20. Myth – A false belief or idea
  21. Radical text – A text that goes against the dominant ideology.
  22. A Reactionary text – A text that conforms to the dominant ideology.

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