definitions – semiotics

  1. Roland Barthes – he was interested in the ways in which dominant structures created dominant ideologies.
  2. C. S. Pierce – created the idea of iconic, indexical and symbolic signs.
  3. Ferdinand de Saussure – he was interested in language and the connection between a thing the meanings attached to it.
  4. Semiotics – the study of signs.
  5. Sign – something that represents or signifies something else.
  6. Signifier – a thing or object.
  7. Signified – the meaning of something.
  8. An iconic sign – something that is directly connected to an object.
  9. An indexical sign – something that is indirectly linked to an object.
  10. A symbolic sign – something that has relation link based on an agreement
  11. Code – signs or symbols that mean a specific thing.
  12. Dominant Signifier – the main accepted meaning of a sign.
  13. Anchorage – some signs hold down and fix meaning.
  14. Ideology – a set of beliefs and values that a person has.
  15. Paradigm – a typical example of something
  16. Syntagm – when a sign appears in a sequence that creates a different meaning.
  17. Signification – an exact meaning.  
  18. Denotation – the most basic meaning .
  19. Connotation – an idea or feeling that is abstract to the meaning of intentions.
  20. Myth – something that has been altered to make it seem different or better than it actually is.
  21. A radical text – a text that challenges a dominant ideology.
  22. A reactionary text – a text that supports the dominant ideology.

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