Word Definitions

Barthes : Founding farther of media studies

Pierce : Creator of the three signs in media

Saussure : He was interested in the connection between

Semiotics : The studies of signs and symbols

Sign : Anything that can convey meaning

Signifier : A thing or object

Signified : The meaning

Icon : An image that is defined by the way it is used

Indexical sign : a sign that has a link to its object

Symbol : A mark, sign or word

Code : Systems of signs that create meaning

Dominant Signifier : The main sign in a piece of media

Anchorage : Changing the meaning of an image to fit

Ideology : A view shared shared by a wide group of people

Paradigm : A distinct set of concepts or thoughts

Syntagm : Signs occur in sequence to create meaning

Signification : the action of signifying a sign or object

Denotation : The first things visible on a page. Very literal

Connotation : Somethings suggested meaning from cultural association

Myth : A false version of a truth

Radical Text : Challenges the dominant ideology

Reactionary Text : Supports the dominant ideology

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