Gaming Front Cover and Statement of intent

– Image of gaming character
-image of game logo
-Magazine title
-World of Warcraft logo
-GTA VI logo
-Xbox logo
-Cover Line
– Buzz words
– Colour
Media Studies Summer Task – gaming front cover
The gaming magazine will be called ‘’Game Planet’’ as I am trying to make the magazine come off as well known and retro styled. For the masthead I intend to use 3D fonts that will look similar old school arcade game titles.For my front cover for a gaming magazine I plan to target the role playing games community as it is a broad audience which would perfectly suit a gaming magazine.To target the role playing games community, I have decided to use an image from the game ‘’Assassins Creed’’ as my main image in the front cover.The image will show a main protagonist from one of the many games that have been released by Ubisoft in a ‘’Leap of Faith’’ position.I am using this image because the exclusive story will be about the ‘’Assassins Creed’’ series and its new and upcoming games .This will allow me to include other conventions around the image as it wont take up much space on the cover. I intend to make the front cover predominantly red and white as it will compliment the character shown in the main image as he is wearing darker clothing. In the bottom corners of the front cover I plan to include multiple puffs and teasers in order to affect a broader audience, for example I will include a second image with a game title saying ‘’World of Warcraft Classic’’ and a buzz word underneath it saying ‘’What to expect from the rebirth of Vanilla WoW’’.This will interest many people from the role playing games community as the re-release of the 2004 ‘’World of Warcraft’’ is a highly anticipated event happening this year in summer 2019.In the other bottom corner of the magazine cover I intend to use a buzz word saying ‘GTA VI Update, What’s going on?’. This will interest a large amount of people as GTA has an enormous community Rockstars 2013s ‘GTA V’ has been expecting a sequel for a long time. I also intend to include a banner mentioning other gift codes for games, goodies and contests.The banner will say something along the lines of ‘free code to xbox live included inside!’’ . Along the sides of the front cover I plan to include conventions such as cover lines to feature what is inside the magazine. The cover lines will mention other new game releases such as ‘’Final Fantasy VII remastered,Diablo Immortal,Elder Scrolls VI etc’’, gaming competition and tournament stories such as ‘’Leage of Legends World Championships,World of Warcraft Arena 1v1,Dota 2 world championships’’ and guides to games like ‘’Getting started in Diablo III, Learning the ropes in Red Dead Redemption Online, Tips and Tricks for Assassin’s Creed – Odyssey’’