Media Summer Task

To make the gamers magazine cover I used an app that allowed me to edit, add photos and text all within my phone. I began creating the cover by adding a background, I used the colour blue as it’s considered beneficial to the mind and body. It also slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Which I thought relates to gaming as for some people it’s their time to relax and enjoy the game. It’s also a colour that works for both genders. The blue background has some dark and light tones within it which then gives it some dimension and makes the cover more radical as it’s not plain nor basic.

  I’ve used a bold title to show the importance of gaming to gamers as it’s seen as their hobby and takes some skill in particular games. It’s game informer specifically because the magazine is all about the latest updates and newest events. Throughout the poster I’ve used black bold borders that contain small pieces of information about each individual game to make it more eye catching and stand out.

I’ve used specific games because they are popular amongst teenagers which therefore is more promising 

for them to purchase as they’d be interested. To add colour and specify what the magazine is about I’ve placed a few characters of each game, which gamers will familiarise and want to read about it and it’s also there to show those who don’t know anything about the game what it’s all about. They’re quite bold to keep the boldness persistent and ensure that the reader is interested.  I made sure I didn’t just specify in one game so therefore I chose three so that people could have a variety to see in just one magazine. 

I’ve also placed the new edition gun from fortnite to intrigue the readers and make them want to read about it therefore getting them to purchase the magazine.

I’ve used bold clip art boxes to make it exciting and eye standing so that the reader would be intrigued in what’s written inside, i’ve also used specific colours so that they link to the colours used in the characters, within the box it  introduces some key information about each game. I didn’t put much writing on the front cover as it would take the attention away from the pictures. 

I’ve also placed a ‘new’ tag as it then shows the reader that there will be new exciting event and updates to do with the games. The tag is also bright which therefore is noticeable. The new tag is directly above the price so that not only the reader sees how cheap the magazine is but also has a bargain as there are new updates. I’ve also placed an image of a controller to show that it’s mainly about gaming and in this case about ps4. 

I’ve used bright and bold colours to achieve a comic look towards it by using yellow, red and purple makes it very eyestanding and extremely bold it’s also constraint with the rest of the background. 

iconic signs: gun picture, game characters, control, games,

symbolic signs: comic diagram links to sound from games,

indexical sign: new tag, colours link to character outfits

Media timeline

Printing press, 1450

Typewriter, 1500

Sep 25 1694, very first newspaper

Film, 1894

Radio, 1895

Computers, 1938

Video tape, 1958

Aug 1st 1967 digital production

Internet, 1990

Social media, 2000

Phones evolving

Media Timeline

-Newspaper: The first type of moving printing press was made in 1440 in Europe, Germany by Johannes Gutenberg. The first newspaper with pictures started on the Daily Graphic on March 4, 1880

-Magazine: The first magazine was released in 1633 in Germany and the first woman magazine was released in 1693 in London.

-Radio: The first forms of radio transmitters and receivers were made around 1895 but was used commercially around the year 1900’s.

-Advertising: The first form of modern advertising started in the 1920’s and the one who had most significance was Edward Bernays

-Cinema: The earliest movie found in working condition was a two second film called Roundhay Garden Scene which was directed by Louis Le Prince who was a French inventor.

-TV: The start of television was around late 1920’s and early 1230’s in America, the first channel was called W3XK created by one of the inventors of mechanical television Charles Francis Jenkins and the first TV broadcast was on July 2, 1928.

-Video games: The start of video games was the early 1970’s and the first commercial arcade video game was introduced the year 1971.

-Online: The start of the internet was around the year 1960 with ARPANET which was originally funded by the U.S Department of Defense.

Media Timeline

Evolution of Media 

 Printing Press 1440 – This machine was able to print a large amount of newspapers and books which was an effective way to spread information and communicate with people.  

 Magazines 1663 – The earliest example of magazines was Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen, which was a literary and philosophy magazine, launched in Germany. 

 Radio 1896 – A man called Guglielmo Marconi an Italian inventor, proved the feasibility of radio communication. He sent and received his first radio signal in Italy in 1895. 

 Cinema 1895 – The first to present projected moving pictures to a paying audience were the Lumière brothers in December 1895 in Paris. 

 TV 1927 – The world’s first electronic television was created by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. 

Video game 1958- Physicist William Higinbotham created what is thought to be the first video game. It was a very simple tennis game, similar to the classic 1970s video game Pong.  

Mobile phone 1973- Martin Cooper of Motorola made the first publicized handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC model. 

Computer 1975- Ed Roberts coined the term “personal computer” when he introduced the Altair 8800. 

Intro Questions

What is Media?

Media is a form of communication that is delivered through many different forms such as Magazines, Television and Newspapers

What is Media Studies?

Media Studies is the study that deals with many different forms of communication and how things are dealt differently throughout the different forms of communication.