9/10  A memorable scene for me was a young Chiron looking out onto the ocean. This seems like a tranquil place for him. The motif of water is commonly used as a reference to “rebirth” or “baptism” and in every act of the film we can see Chiron at a body of water, cleansing him of one era of his life, leading him onto another.   I absolutely loved this film. It tackled the topics of sexuality and addiction so gracefully. Usually in films that explore these topics we see a lot of unnecessary violence that hold no significance to the plot, but moonlight strategically places heart wrenching scenes to reach out to the audience. The first 2 acts take place in Miami in the 80s, when the war on drugs and AIDS epidemic was taking place. I only have one critique for this film, and it is the Beach scene with Kevin in act 2, I would have preferred it if they had only shared a kiss instead of that and a sexual act.  

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