categorizing film+IB learner profile

Being reflective is useful because you can look back on what you have seen and interpret different things and improve. 

Being knowledgeable is useful because you can use that knowledge to understand different elements of the film. 

Being a thinker is important because you need to be able to theorize and create ideas. 

Being an inquirer is good because it shows your interest and allows you to understand better and be able to question and challenge ideas. 

Being balanced is good because it allows you to look at all aspects of a film. 

Being a risk-taker is important so that you can create new things. 

Communicator-be able to show ideas easily/ put out a message. 


Caring- to think through your ideas and not offend anyone. 

Open-minded- be open to all ideas and consider more. 

Art film Mainstream film Historically significant film 
The shape of water Alphaville The wizard of oz  The breakfast club A Bugs Life Love Simon The wizard of oz Battleship Potemkin Seven Samurai Once upon a time in the west Alphaville Fitzcarraldo 

Formula for box office hits

The formula for box office hits I found from the highest grossing films of 2022 so far. There was a pattern of successful films that were part of a franchise of films, such as the MCU, which already have people prepared to watch the film. Additionally, every single film was created by a large production company, since they have a larger reach and more budget to advertise.

Connecting the IB Learner Profile to Film Studies

  1. Knowledgeable

This links to film as you need to be knowledgeable about everything that it takes to create film.

  1. Open-minded

You need to be open-minded to enjoy other types of film and to respect the types of genres and different cultures that films demonstrate from across the world

  1. Caring

You need to be caring about the effort that the creator put into the film even if you don’t personally enjoy it.

  1. Thinkers

You need to think about the types of techniques and reasons that the creators of the film use different techniques for the reason they added certain elements

  1. Communicators

It requires communication with cast and crew to create one cohesive narrative that others are willing to watch.

  1. Inquirers

This is important to film as you need to inquire how different things were made and created and how well they are utilized.

7. Principled

In many aspects of film, you may come across political messages or meanings. Stick to your principles and know what is right.

8. Reflective

Being able to comment on a piece of work you have written or produced or offering constructive criticism to benefit others.

9. Risk-Takers

Especially in the producing aspect of this course, risks will need to be taken to enhance a media product and keep it original.


Economic – The financial situation of the time/place

Geographical – Where is the film set/made

Historical – The time period and events when it is set/made

Institutional – Where is it set/made within an organisation

Political – Ideologies of the time/place

Social – How the audience reflects on film

Technological- How advanced the technology is of the time/place

connecting IB learner Profile to Film Studies

Being knowledgeable is useful as it can help with references to different films. 

Risk-takers are useful because they can create more impressive shoots due to the nature of their personality. 

Balanced is useful because it can help when reviewing a film to not only talk about one thing. 

Open minded-ness can be useful as it can lead to interpreting films differently. 

Reflective is useful because it allows you to self-assess your work. 

Caring is useful because it can help to show the value of your product. 

Principled is useful because it means that you want to get the perfect shot. 

Communicators are useful as they can share ideas and thoughts. 

Inquirers are useful because they ask questions and make you think about previous ideas more. 

Thinkers are useful because it can help with the creative aspect of the course e.g., film making. 

Categorising film

Art Film Historically Significant Film Mainstream Film 
The Shape of Water (Alphaville) (The Seventh Samurai) (The Wizard of Oz) Battleship Potemkin The Wizard of Oz The Seventh Samurai The Breakfast Club Once Upon a in the West Fitzcarraldo Alphaville Bugs Life (The Breakfast Club) Love Simon (The Wizard of Oz)