For this textual analysis, I have selected Ana Lily Amirpour’s 2014 cinematic creation, dubbed as “The First Iranian Vampire Western,” titled ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.’ This film is set during the time of its production in 2014 and weaves a narrative around the character Arash, a young man burdened by his father’s addiction, and ‘The Girl,’ a vampiric protagonist who embarks on a mission to eliminate the evil men of Bad City, thereby safeguarding its female inhabitants. I have chosen the section of the film from 1:20:19 to 1:25:19, which constitutes the film’s climactic scene. In this sequence, ‘The Girl’ kills Arash’s father, who, in a morally reprehensible act, violates a woman by forcing her to take drugs unwillingly. In the aftermath of this vendetta, ‘The Girl’ leaves the father’s lifeless body thrown across the sombre streets of Bad City, leaving his son to grapple with the grisly discovery. To analyse this section, I am focussing on the director’s use of cinematography (including visual motifs), sound design and the filmmaker’s cinematic vision. The context examined focuses on social and political factors connected to the film around its production time.
Textual Analysis – Intro
Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men is a 2006 Sci-Fi/Action film set in a dystopian future England in the year 2027. This film will be the focus of my textual analysis, in particular the section from 00:16:43 to 00:21:06 – where the protagonist, Theo, meets his cousin, Nigel, in order to obtain travel documents for the terrorist organisation “The Fishes”. To analyse this section, I will look at the mise-en-scene, cinematography, representation and ideologies. The context examined focuses on economical and political contexts connected to the film around the time of its production.
TA- Bonnie and Clyde introduction
I have chosen Arthur Penn’s 1967 crime drama Bonnie and Clyde for my textual analysis. Set in America during the Great Depression the film follows the relationship of a dissatisfied waitress Bonnie Parker who falls in love with ex-con, Clyde Barrow, leading them to embark on a violent crime spree through the country, stealing cars and robbing banks. I have chosen the final scene of the film, 1:45:00 – 1:50:00, where Bonnie and Clyde are ambushed and violently killed in the final shootout whilst returning from town. To analyse this section I will be focusing on the directors use of editing, mise-en-scene, filmmakers’ influences, intentions, and vision, along with the impact of historical and institutional contexts.
Textual Analysis Intro:
I have chosen Alfonso Cuaron’s 2006 science fiction film, Children of Men for textual analysis. The film is set in 2027 and features a bureaucrat (Theo) helping a pregnant immigrant (Kee) in a fascist infertile Britain. I have chosen the section of the film lasting from 1:00-6:00. This is at the beginning of the film; the section includes the café bombing scene with the news broadcast reporting about the death of baby Diego, and the first look at the protagonist’s office and the prison bus scene. To analyse this section, I am focusing on mise-en-scene, cinematography and representation and ideology. The context examined focusses on social and political factors connected to the film around the time of its production.
Textual Analysis Introduction
I have chosen Arthur Penn’s 1967 crime/drama film Bonnie and Clyde for my textual analysis. The film is set during the Great Depression in America and features the story of small-time crook, Clyde Barrow and a discontented waitress, Bonnie Parker who becomes intrigued by Clyde and joins him on a crime spree of petty theft and bank robbery across the nation. I have chosen the opening section of the film between 2:20 – 7:20. In this scene Bonnie meets Clyde for the first time outside her home after his attempt to steal her mother’s car. To analyse this section of the film, I will be focusing on the mise-en-scene, cinematography and the filmmakers influence, intentions, and visions. The context examined focusses on the historical and institutional factors connected to the creation of the film around the time of its production.
Intro for Textual analysis
I have chosen Alfonso Cuaron’s 2006 science-fiction film, Children of Men for my textual analysis. The film is set in the near future in the UK, in the wake of a catastrophic global infertility and the story surrounds our protagonist Theo who must help transport the Kee, the first pregnant women in 18 years to safety. I have chosen to analyse the opening section of the film between 00:00:30 – 00:04:45. In this section, Theo enters a coffee shop and learns about the death of the world’s youngest person. A bomb explodes which this lead our protagonist Theo to leave work early seek comfort from his friend Arthur. To analyse this section, I am focusing on mise-en-scene (including the use of visual motifs), cinematography, and Auteur Theory. The context examined focusses on social and political factors connected to the film around the time of its production.
TA Scene- ‘Children of Men’
1:08:33 > 1:13:14

Micro: Cinematography + Sound
Macro: Auteur theory
Contexts: Social + Political
TA chosen scene
Micro elements: Mise en Scene, Cinematography
Macro elements: NARRATIVE – point of no return, Kee’s Story structure
Context: Social & Political- Brexit, Immigration, Terrorism, Government, social=9/11
Time stamp: 34:00- 39:00- Barn scene
Tate Chosen TA Children of Men
Opening Scene and travelling to meet Jasper.
Time Stamp- 0.30-4.50
Macro Elements- Auteur Theory
Micro Elements- Mise-en-scene and Cinematography
Context- Social and Political

Textual Analysis Choices
Film: Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
Scene: Opening scene – [2:20 – 7:20]
Micro: Mise-en-scene, Cinematography
Macro: Filmmakers’ influences, intentions and vision
Context: Historical, institutional