The main difference between sound editing vs. sound mixing is that editing focuses on the production, while mixing takes the edited product and hones it during post-production
Match cut examples
Match on action: a transition that uses the action from one scene in the transition to the next scene.

Graphic match: links 2 scenes through the use of similar elements (such as colour etc)
Eyeline match: When the point of view of one or more characters is cut and matched with what they are looking at.

Whiplash first response
Whiplash (Chazelle, 2014) | Critical Score 7.5/10 | Memorable Scene: Final concert scene Makes the viewer fear Andrew’s failure and adds tension and disappointment. Fletcher wants to humiliate Andrew by preparing him to play the wrong music. |

Joker Review and Reflect
I thoroughly enjoyed working with my new classmates on my first film of the year. The shots turned out quite well and clearly, and I am happy with the editing I did. However, I am disappointed with continuity problems such as lighting and costume. It was bound to happen as we were filming on different days, but I tried to keep continuity by bringing the same sweater to school whenever I knew we were planning on filming.
In the future, the biggest thing I hope to improve is planning and making a clear and concise shot list and prop list to keep everything nice and organised.
Joker Final Video
Joker Project Review
Overall, I think for a first project our project was successful, with a good end result. We recorded plenty of reaction shots, so there was no need for us to do any reshooting, and over the two days we made sure the actors were wearing the same clothes.
However, there are things that I would do different to improve upon my next project,. For example next time I would check our shots more closely to see if they are in focus, as multiple of the shots I used had an actor out of focus. This is also a reason why we should have repeated more of the same shots, as well as the laughter and talking in the background of some shots, which were difficult to cut around and caused me to have one transition between shots that felt a little strange, as the laughter cut off immediately to the next shot.
Despite the few errors, I am happy with the project as a whole, as it includes a wide range of cinematography and editing techniques, such as close ups and camera movements, as well as match on action and J and L cuts, and I thought the end result was successful.
Joker Project
Joker editing final piece & Review/reflection
Overall working on the technical aspects (filming and editing) was enjoyable and I reckon we worked well as a team. However, there was some continuity problems making it harder to seamlessly edit the shots together. In the future I think having a clear understanding of how to use Adobe Premier Pro would greatly benefit me as I ended up with problems at some stages of editing.
mise en scene
One film I believe to have excellent mise en scene is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. This movie being set not within our own world meant that the mise en scene in this movie had to be perfect in order for the audience to suspend their disbelief and become immersed in the world. One way they do this in this film is through the prop design. In particular I believe the design of the weapons shown throughout the movie do this, although looking futuristic and advanced beyond what is being used now they also look practical and like they would work in real life as the design is realistic.