Diegetic- any sound that characters on screen can hear like dialogue in this instance
Non diegetic- any sounds that the audience can hear but the characters on screen can’t eg: creepy music when zombies are getting closer;
Needle drop: this is when a song that already exists is used in a movie; when the movie uses a song that wasn’t written in the soundtrack.
The shepherd tone: sound consisting of sine waves separated by octaves; this creates the auditory illusion of a tone that seems to increase or decrease in pitch but never actually gets higher or lower.
Leitmotif- music that connects and relates with the the situation, character or emotion.
Ambient sound- background sound like birds or rain
Sound perspective: the distance of a sound source given by its pitch, volume, timber etc.
Synchronous sound- sound that is matched with the actions and movement;
Asynchronous sound: use when the director wants to create tension- the viewer can hear the sound but does not hear its source.
Sound bridge- a sound/ soundtrack that is connected and blends in from a scene to another; eg- in The Matrix when the music from the club blends in with Neo’s alarm.