All posts by Tate Moore



Connecting the IB Learner Profile to Film Studies

  1. Knowledgeable

This links to film as you need to be knowledgeable about everything that it takes to create film.

  1. Open-minded

You need to be open-minded to enjoy other types of film and to respect the types of genres and different cultures that films demonstrate from across the world

  1. Caring

You need to be caring about the effort that the creator put into the film even if you don’t personally enjoy it.

  1. Thinkers

You need to think about the types of techniques and reasons that the creators of the film use different techniques for the reason they added certain elements

  1. Communicators

It requires communication with cast and crew to create one cohesive narrative that others are willing to watch.

  1. Inquirers

This is important to film as you need to inquire how different things were made and created and how well they are utilized.

7. Principled

In many aspects of film, you may come across political messages or meanings. Stick to your principles and know what is right.

8. Reflective

Being able to comment on a piece of work you have written or produced or offering constructive criticism to benefit others.

9. Risk-Takers

Especially in the producing aspect of this course, risks will need to be taken to enhance a media product and keep it original.

Summer Task

What makes a film good?
A film like most artforms is highly hard to interpret as good or bad due to every person’s unique perception and enjoyment of the film, much like all art forms as everyone will view the film differently but yet despise this I believe there are two main factors that can decide if a movie is perceived as good. Firstly I think that a movie can be judged as good due to how well it appeals to the mass audience; Films that are made to appeal to a mass audience and create a large box office or commercial success are known as ‘blockbusters’. These films utilize the micro and macro elements that will appeal to most people, generally speaking, this includes: keeping the style fairly simplistic, maintaining a chronological narrative, representation of both different races and cultures, and lastly the messages and values stay mainly straightforward and lean towards a moral conclusion. Examples of these such films are loved by many and consistently return a large profit, yet despite this more often than not the critic’s perception of these films does not share the same level of enthusiasm as these films rely on clichés and other techniques to grasp easy attention, and in doing so they lose artistic freedom and it may seem more like money grabbing than trying to spread a visionary idea of the film. However I believe it does not matter how well a film is received by the general public due to the fact I believe that a film is considered ‘good’ by many factors, the most important factor is seeing that the creative that planned the story has let his/her vision come to life. More factors of creating a ‘good’ film include when the acting, directing, writing, cinematography, and overall production value all come together to tell one cohesive, entertaining, and impactful story. In conclusion, a ‘good’ movie uses both micro and macro elements to create one piece of art created by the visionary, as a way of telling the world a story that correctly uses the beauty of motion picture to its fullest.