All posts by Oli Duffy



match cut examples

A match cut is an edit in cinematography that uses elements of one scene in the transition to the next scene. The purpose is to create a visual match for different scenes that are not inherently linked, like scenes set in different locations, by having a second shot that — in some way — mirrors the first


  1. Graphic Match Cuts — shapes, colours, compositions.
  2. Match on Action Cuts — action, movement.
  3. Sound Bridge — sound effects, dialogue, music

The excellent use of mise-en-scene in parasite


To begin parasites director Bong Joon-Ho uses a combination of the mise en scene techniques to shape the story extremely well. Staircases play an important role in signifying promotion and demotion in Korea. Director Bong displays the physical and metaphorical distance and descent between the classes and homes by repeating shots of the Kim’s descending into their home below ground and the Park family ascending into their home up a set of modern looking stairs, this is a use of set design and visual architecture. 

 In the making of the movie Bong aimed to use the sun as a metaphor for the two family’s. For example High key lighting is used when focusing on the Park family through natural light of the sun and Low key lighting Is used when focusing on the Kim family, this reflects the contrast in wealth and happiness of each family, The use of lighting helps convey the tone of the film. 

 Bong also portrays this contrast through colour scheme, the natural green tones of the Park family’s house and garden displays their freedom and wealth. On the other hand the dull tones of the Kim family’s home represents the devastating poverty in Seoul, this is called colour theory.  

 Director Bong-Ho planned every detail of the film extremely wisely using storyboards to plan the composition and lay out of each shot. Each home was designed with windows, For the poor family a small window with a view of a drunken man in the slums. Whereas for the rich family a larger, luxurious and expansive window looking out over a beautiful lawn.   

Finally Bong uses physical elements such as windows, background furniture or textures on glass to divide the families in each frame therefore further conveying the tone of segregation of classes.  

formula for Box office hit

6/10 of the top box office movies of 2022 are in the genre of action meaning part of the formula to a box office hit is often an action or adventure film. To create a box office hit one must consider what will appeal to the wider audience, for example a new War based film containing only unwell known actors with no prequels will not be as widely popular as a fast action sequel with a cast full of talented actors. The time of release must be considered as well, a thriller released around Halloween will receive more attention than a thriller released in the peak of summer. Therefore the formula for Box Office Hits contain many things including popular actors, action and a previous fanbase and franchise (Spiderman-No Way Home)