All posts by Lynn Magowan





  • Have responded to feedback on a first complete draft by Friday 16th June​
  • Have marked up script and recorded V/O by Monday 19th June​
  • Have assembled a first draft in premiere by Mondy 3rd July​
  • Have uploaded a completed project by Friday 14th July


  • Have formed production team and assigned roles by Friday 16th June​
  • Have created a screenplay outline by Monday 3rd of July​
  • Have created a shooting schedule and shooting script by Friday 14th July
George FlavellGenre
Psychological Horror
The Shining (Kubrick,1980The Lighthouse (Eggers,2019)Social Cultural HistoricalHow has psychological horror evolved since its establishment as a subgenre? Reference the films The Shining(Kubrick,1980)) and The Lighthouse (Eggers, 2019) using social, cultural and historical contexts.
Iona HendryComing of Agee Genre/Genre TheoryThe 400 Blows (Truffaut, 1959)Ladybird (Gerwig, 2017)Social Cultural HistoricalHow has the coming-of-age film subgenre changed over time? With reference to the films The 400 Blows( Truffaut, 1959) and Ladybird (Gerwig, 2017)
  Charlie WatersRepresentation of MasculinityFight Club (Fincher, 1999)Beau Travail (Denis, 1999)  Cultural, Social, HistoricalHow is masculinity represented in different cultural contexts. With reference to the films ‘Beau Travail’ (Denis, 1999)and ‘Fight Club’? (Fincher, 1999)
Mariah GheorgheGenre Theory Serial Killer Sub Genre of Horror  Promising Young Woman (Fennell, 2020)  American Psycho (Harran, 2000)  Cultural Social HistoricalHow does a feminist perspective impact the serial killer sub genre? With reference to American Psycho (Harran,2000 ) and Promising Young Woman. (Fennell, 2020)
Noah WheelanGenre Theory Film Noir Sub Genre of Crime ThrillerSunset Boulevard (Wilder, 1950)Nightcrawler (Gilroy, 2015)Cultural Social HistoricalHow has the Film Noir sub genre changed over time? With reference to the films Sunset Boulevard (Wilder, 1950) and Nightcrawler (Gilroy, 2015)
Tate MooreInfluence of German ExpressionismThe Lighthouse
(Eggers, 2019
(F. W. Murnau, 1922
Cultural Social HistoricalHow has German expressionism has influenced the horror genre in modern cinema? With reference to the films Nosferatu
(F. W. Murnau, 1922) and The Lighthouse
(Eggers, 2019)
Poppy Parker  Genre Theory Police Buddy Movie Crime  Film Subgenre  Lethal Weapon   ( Donner, 1987)Hot Fuzz  (Wright, 2007)Cultural Social HistoricalHow has the police buddy movie crime subgenre of crime film changed over time/context? With reference to the films Lethal Weapon (Donner,1987) and Hot Fuzz (Wright, 2007)
Ollie LeslieAnalysis of
French New
Wave influences
on film.
 ‘Breathless’, Godard, (1960).‘La Haine’, Kassovitz, (1995).Cultural Social HistoricalHow did the French New Wave movement influence films later in the 20th century, and how do these films compare in the conventions of the movement?
With reference to the films  ‘Breathless’, Godard, (1960) and ‘La Haine’, Kassovitz, (1995).
Mia Marcondes BrowningRepresentation of Mental IllnessThe Man Who Laughs (Leni, 1928)Joker (Phillps, 2019)Cultural Social HistoricalHow have representations of mental illness on screen changed over time? With reference to the films Joker (Phillips 2019) and The Man Who Laughs (Leni, 1928)
Aaron Roberts     
Dan Ross     


Iona17th April (A)1st May (A)5th May (B)
Mia24th April (A)27th April (A)2nd May (A)
Maria24TH April (B)27th April (B)2nd May (B)
George18th April (A)25th April (A)28th April (A)
Charlie19TH April (A)21st April (A)3RD April (A)
Tate19TH April (A)26th April (B)3RD April (B)
Poppy20th April (A)26th April (A)4th May (A)
Noah20th April (B)21 April (B)1st May (B)
Aaron17th  April (B)18th April (B)28th April (B)
Ollie25th April (B)4th May (B)5th May (A)



  1. Summer Task (What makes a good film? )
  2. Activity 1 Induction slides :Connecting the IB Learner Profile to Film Studies
  3. Activity 2 Induction slides: Categorising Film.
  4. Activity 3 Induction Slides : Identify a Formula for Box Office Hits
  5. Mise en Scene “Chaotic vs Anally Tidy” Examples.
  6. Mise en scene definition
  7. Mise en Scene Choose a Film which you think demonstrates “excellent use of Mise en Scene” and explain why. (Remember to illustrate your ideas with still images from the film!)
  8. Bladerunner First Response Task on the Blog 26/9/22
  9. Bladerunner Essay 500 words on how Mise en scene is used to create meaning through an analysis of a single scene ( email direct to Ms Magowan) 30/9/22
  10. Cinematography definition 7/10/22
  11. Cinematography tasks 1- 5 7/10/22
  12. Cinematography Essay 500-700 words: How does Kubrick use Cinematography to create meaning in The Shining? ( email direct to Ms Magowan) 14/10/22
  13. Definition of editing 12/10/22
  14. Miller and the Sweep storyboarding task 17/10/22
  15. J and L Cut examples 7/11/22
  16. Match Cut examples 7/11/22
  17. Editing essay 500 words on how Editing is used to create meaning through an analysis of final scene of Whiplash e ( email direct to Ms Magowan) 14/11/22
  18. Upload Joker edit 4/11/22
  19. Review and reflect on Joker project BLOG POST 7/11/22
  20. PRACTICAL TASK: Complete and Upload Shore Sound Editing Task 26/11/22
  21. Complete sound tasks on Sound Lesson PP and post on blog 28/11/22
  22. ESSAY: Explain how sound is used as a narrative device in Dunkirk (Nolan, 2017).​ 500-600 word essay sent to Ms Magowan via e mail on WORD. 28/11/22
  23. Make a folder in your M drive called “IB FILM ASSESSMENTS + YOUR NAME” & then place your mini essays + your completed (add students reflection comments) feedback sheets in there. 30/11/22
  24. Upload your Auteur Presentation Slides to the Blog as a PDF ready for marking after you have made your presentation to the class on the 9th of January. 12/1/23
  25. Cinema Going in Jersey Activities 16/1/23
  26. Complete and Upload all Story of Film Questions 31/1/23
  27. Upload your section of Birth of Hollywood Slides to the Blog as a PDF ready for marking after you have made your presentation to the class on the 26th of January. 31/1/23
  28. Upload Citizen Kane Tasks to the Blog 10/2/23
  29. Upload “You’re Fired” Kane inspired cinematography task to Stream and share with Miss Frederick for marking. 10/2/23
  30. Upload all German Expressionism Tasks to the blog by 17/3/23
  31. Upload the Caligari inspired task to Stream and share with Miss Frederick for marking. 17/3/23
  32. E mail the Caligari essay to Ms Magowan : Explain the ways in which the film’s use of Mise en Scene, Cinematography and Editing may be regarded  as innovative. (400-500 WORDS – sent to teacher as word doc.) 20/3/23
  33. Gerasimov Task Deadline :  FRIDAY 31ST MARCH
  34. Montage Essay Task:​ Watch Part 6 ” Extermination” M:\Radio\Departments\Media\Students\IB FILM SEQUENCES “How does the film use classic Soviet Montage Techniques to tell the worker’s story? ​400 words  referenced and sent by e mail. DEADLINE FRIDAY 31ST March
  35. Soviet Constructivist Blog Posting 21/3/23
  36. Finalised Research Question Comparative Study 7/5/23
  37. First draft 1600 word essay for Comparative Study 26/5/23
  38. French New Wave Blog Posting 2/6/23
  39. French New Wave Essay : Q. In what way did Marker consciously challenge the established conventions of storytelling with La Jetee?​(300 words e mailed to me- refer to specific scenes from “La Jetee” in your response to evidence your points. 5/6/23
  40. French New Wave film sequence: Create a film sequence between 30 seconds and 1 minute long which is influenced by the stylistic approach of the film makers of the French New Wave. 5/6/23
  41. Finish changes to script 17/6/23
  42. Digitise voice recording Comparative Study 24/6/23
  43. Complete first draft and source list 1/7/23
  44. Final upload deadline for Comparative 21/7/23