All posts by Charlie Waters



Collaborative Meeting 2- Mia + Oli


  • All members present
  • Last Meeting Targets:
  • Make background score for 3 scenes (Intro: suspenseful) (Party music) – 8th December.
  • Organise filming for final scene (Location: Leia’s house) – 8th December.
  • Hand over to editor w/ edit notes & director’s suggestions – 10th December.
  • Future Targets:
  • – Getting props list (M) -13th Dec
  • – B-roll finished (C) -14th Dec
  • – Finish filming (all) -Late Jan
  • – Add specific cinematography criteria for each shot (C) – 31st Dec

Collaborative Meeting- Mia + Oli


  • All members present
  • Last meeting targets:
  • Compile and assess rushes
  • Capture B-roll footage
  • Future targets:
  • -Make background score for 3 scenes (Intro: suspenseful) (Party music) – 8th December.
  • -Organise filming for final scene (Location: Leia’s house) – 8th December.
  • Hand over to editor w/ edit notes & director’s suggestions – 10th December.

Portfolio Outline

GENRE (SUBGENRE)Neo Noir, PsychologicalBDocumentaryBThriller, Mystery
MOVEMENT INFLUENCE(S)German expressionismBSkateboarding videography BRashomon + Circular Narrative Structures
PRACTITIONER INFLUENCE(S)Gasper Noe (Enter the Void)BSpike Jonze (Yeah Right!)BGuy Ritchie (Snatch)
Fincher (Gone Girl)
TARGET AUDIENCEAdults + horror fansBTeens, skateboard fansBYoung adults
PRODUCTION SCALESmall: 1 or 2 actorsB4 skatersBSmall scale: 3 people, 1 director
KEY THEME/ISSUESMental health and the dangers of dismissing mental illness.BDocumenting the process of skateboarding and a fraction of youth culture.BOvert self-consciousness,

3-Minute Short Planning

Working Title: Natural Causes

Chosen RoleScreenwriter
InfluencesAlfonso Cuaron (Y Tu Mama Tambien)
Specific Techniques -Character study
-Intellectual montage: juxtaposing footage of nature with the events of the protagonist’s life
-Still shots of natural weather events
GenreComing of age, Psychological, Queer
Story OutlineDepicting the destructive effects of nature before it reaches a stable state.

Act 1: Destructive weather events/ strong waves are
intellectually montaged with an exploration of a male protagonists borderline abusive relationship with his girlfriend.
It is hinted that his abusive personality is as a result of suppressed homosexual desires
Act 2: show protagonist accepting his identity and leaving his toxic masculine personality in the past.
This will be montaged against tranquil shots of the weather/ the sea
Location-St Ouens (sea shots)
-Park above The Good Egg (shots of trees and nature)
-My mums house (for demonstrating the abusive relationship in act 1)
-Curiosity coffee shop (for shots depicting hidden homosexual desire or events of Act 2)
Kit Required-Tripod
-Sound recorder
Additional CrewPossibly a sound designer
Cast3 actors needed

TA Introduction Draft

For my textual analysis I have decided to examine auteur Alfonso Cuarón’s 2006 dystopian thriller Children of Men. The film is set in England (year 2027) where two decades of infertility have left society in economic and social chaos. The story follows the protagonist, Theo, a drunken ex-bureaucrat who is unexpectedly thrust into the position of saving the earth’s last hope, Kee, the only remaining fertile woman. My chosen sequence from the film takes place during the start of the final act, from 1:08:33 to 1:13:14. In this section, Theo and Kee enter the Bexhill refugee facility in an attempt to escape and reach sanctuary away from the British government. For my analysis, I will be looking at the elements of cinematography, sound design and auteur theory. In addition, I will also be utilising and discussing the political and social contexts behind the themes and production of the film. [149words]