A leitmotif is a “short, recurring musical phrase” associated with a particular person, place, or idea. For example, the music that plays when the shark in Jaws is coming to attack someone. It creates tension as the audience know what is about to occur.
A Foley artist adds in sound effects to the movie in post-production. It is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media to enhance audio quality. For example, they could recreate footsteps, the flipping of pages or animals walking.
A needle drop is when a movie uses a song that wasn’t written for the soundtrack. They are often used to set a specific tone for the scene or the complete opposite as a contrast.
Sound editing and sound mixing are two different but related processes. Sound editing is the process of manipulating recordings to make them more suitable for a film or TV show, while sound mixing is the process of putting together all of those edited sounds into one cohesive audio track.
Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey contains a famous example of a match cut. After an ape discovers the use of bones as a tool and a weapon, he throws one triumphantly into the air. As the bone spins in the air, there is a match cut to a much more advanced tool: an orbiting satellite.
The most memorable scene for me is the finale scene, specifically when Andrew slows the tempo down all the way and then back up again, alluding to the previous comments made by Fletcher.
In a J cut, the next scene’s audio plays before the image changes. With L cuts, the audio from the preceding scene carries over, and then the visuals shift.
Using a J-cut or an L-cut is all about keeping the flow of the edit moving without becoming boring. If a J-cut or L-cut is performed properly, then the audience will never notice it taking place. This same theory is really true for any editing technique.