IB learner profile in connection to film studies

Inquirers: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Question director’s techniques and choices to broaden your understanding. 

Knowledgeable: Having knowledge of films and directors, along with learning certain terminology. Be able to exchange ideas. 

Thinkers: Exploring unique and creative ways to film, coming up with scripts and possible movie/scene ideas. Be able to analyse your own work and think the best way improve it. 

Communicators: It’s important to effectively communicate with people especially in a group environment. Don’t be scared to ask questions or make suggestions. Listen and respect other people’s choices and views. 

Principled: Take responsibility for your work and your actions. Try not to let others down especially when working with a group you must be committed and do your part, specifically, when filming a group project. 

Open-minded: Exploring and harnessing other people’s methods and ideas especially in a group setting; being flexible when working as a group or with feedback. Listen and respect other viewpoints.  

Caring: Act positively to others and try to assist them when they are visibly struggling (e.g. not understanding something.) 

Risk-takers: Don’t be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone when filming or coming up with new ideas. Try to make your work unique to you. 

Balanced: Make sure you evenly distribute work between people when working as a group. Also make sure to balance your own workload so you’re not overwhelmed. 

Reflective: Be able to reflect on your own work and take constructive criticism in order to improve the result. Try to understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to better yourself in order to up your standard of work. 

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